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Conseil de la radiodiffusion et des télécommunications canadiennes
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2004-01-16 - #: 8623-C12-04/04 - Surveillance de l'industrie canadienne des télécommunications - Sondage de 2004

2003-12-11 - Circulaire de télécom CRTC 2003-1 Collecte de données sur l'industrie des télécommunications : mise à jour des listes d'enregistrement du CRTC, droits de télécommunication, administration du fonds du mécanisme de contribution canadien, licences internationales et surveillance de l'industrie canadienne des télécommunications.

2004-12-13 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée au Destinataire - Objet: Collecte de données sur l’industrie des télécommunications – Séances d’information

2004-11-04 - Lettre du conseil
Description: Lettre adressée à la liste des distinatairres ci-jointe - Object: Demande de justification - Publication de certains renseignements déposés à titre confidentiel

2004-10-21 - Cogeco Cable Inc.
Description: Cogeco Cable Inc. (Cogeco) is in receipt of the Commission’s email dated October 13, 2004, allowing Cogeco to provide comments by 22 October 2004 in response to the show cause Commission 17 September 2004 letter, given that Cogeco and other parties were inadvertently omitted from the initial distribution list
Document: 041021.doc - 139KO

2004-10-12 - Shaw Cablesystems G.P.
Description: Shaw Cablesystems G.P. (Shaw) has been made aware of the Commission’s letter of September 17, 2004, requesting the parties show cause as to why the Commission should not publish certain information in its fourth annual
Document: 041012.doc - 55KO

2004-10-01 - Primus Telecommunications Canada Inc.
Description: Primus Telecommunications Canada Inc. (Primus) is in receipt of the Commission’s letter, dated 17 September 2004 in which the Commission requests companies to show cause why the Commission should not publish certain information in its fourth annual report to the Governor in Council
Document: 041001.doc - 67KO

2004-09-30 - Bell West Inc.
Description: In its September 17th letter the Commission has asked to show cause as to why the Commission should not publish in the forth annual Report to the Governing Council on the Status of Competition in Canadian Telecommunications Markets / Deployment and Accessibility of Advanced Telecommunications Infrastructure and Services [the Monitoring Report], information specific to Bell West Inc. as outlined below.
Document: 040930.doc - 29KO

2004-09-28 - NorthernTel Limited Partnership
Description:  NorthernTel is in receipt of your letter of 17 September 2004, requesting the company to show cause why the Commission should not publish certain information filed in confidence.
Document: 040928.pdf - 40KO

2004-09-28 - Canadian Cable Television Association (CCTA)
Description: The CCTA is in receipt of the Commission's letter, dated September 17, 2004, requesting parties to show cause why the Commission should not publish cetain information in its upcoming Report to the Governor in Council on the Status of Competition in Canadian Telecommunications Markets/Deployment and Accessiblity of Advanced Telecommunications Infrastructure and Services (Monitoring Report).
Document: 040928.pdf - 56KO

2004-09-28 - 360networks Canada Ltd.
Description: In a Commission letter dated 17 September 2004, the Commission directed certain companies to show cause why the Commission should not publish certain information in its fourth annual Report to the Governor in Council
Document: 040928.doc - 48KO

2004-09-28 - FCI Broadband
Description: FCI Broadband, a division of Futureway Communications Inc. (FCI Broadband) is in receipt of the Commission’s letter dated 17 September 2004, directing certain companies to show cause by 28 September 2004, why the Commission should not publish certain information filed in confidence by FCI Broadband et al, in the Commission’s fourth annual Report to the Governor in Council
Document: 040928.doc - 69KO

2004-09-28 - MTS Allstream Inc.
Description: MTS Allstream Inc. (MTS Allstream) is filing the following response pursuant to the Commission's letter of 17 September 2004 requesting that each company show cause why the Commission should not publish certain information in its fourth annual Report to the Governor in Council on the Status of Competition in Canadian Telecommunications Markets / Deployment and Accessibility of Advanced Telecommunications Infrastructure and Services (Monitoring Report).
Document: 040928.doc - 457KO

2004-09-28 - Microcell Solutions Inc.
Document: Pursuant to the Commission’s letter dated 17 September 2004 on the above-noted matter, the following are the comments of Microcell Solutions Inc. (Microcell).
Document: 040928.doc - 64KO

2004-09-28 - Rogers Communications Inc.
Description: This letter is in response to your letter dated September 17, 2004 requesting that Rogers Cable Communications Inc. (Rogers) show cause, by today’s date, why the Commission should not publish, in its fourth annual report on the status of competition in the Canadian telecommunications industry for the year 2003, certain information filed in confidence with the Commission as part of 2004 industry data collection forms
Document: 040928.doc - 89KO

2004-09-28 - Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel)
Description: Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) submits the following in response to your letter of 17 September 2004 on behalf of itself and Navigata Communications Inc. (Navigata; collectively, the Companies)
Document: 040928.doc - 72KO

2004-09-28 - EastLink
Description: In a letter dated September 17, 2004 the Commission has requested companies to show cause as to why it should not publish certain specified information in its Annual Report to the Governor in Council on the Status of Competition in Canadian Telecommunications Markets / Deployment and Accessibility of Advanced Telecommunications Infrastructure and Services (Monitoring Report).
Document: 040928.doc - 186KO

2004-09-28 - TELUS Communications Inc.
Description: The Commission, in its letter dated September 17, 2004 (September 17th letter) to TELUS Corporation Inc., (TELUS or the Company), has asked to show cause as to why the Commission should not publish the following information relating to TELUS in the following areas
Document: 040928.doc - 42KO

2004-09-28 - Aliant Telecom Inc. and Bell Canada (The Companies )
Description: This submission in regard to your letter of 17 September 2004 on the above subject (the letter) is being filed on behalf of Aliant Telecom Inc. and Bell Canada (collectively, the Companies).
Document: 040928.doc - 231KO

2004-09-28 - Bell Mobility
Description: This is Bell Mobility's response to the Commission's letter, dated 17 September 2004, concerning the above captioned subject and specifically with reference to the Commission's proposal outlined therein to publish, in its fourth annual Monitoring Report to the Governor in Council, wireless market share percentages by province for each major wireless provider.
Document: 040928_1.doc - 31KO

2004-09-28 - Aliant Telecom Inc.
Description: This is Aliant Telecom’s response to the Commission’s letter of 17 September 2004, and specifically with reference to the Commission’s proposal to publish, in its fourth annual Monitoring Report to the Governor in Council, wireless market share percentages (based on number of subscribers provided in Form 273) by province for each major wireless provider
Document: 040928.doc - 39KO

2004-09-27 - Rogers Wireless Inc.
Description:  Rogers is in receipt of the Show Cause request by the CRTC dated September 17, 2004, in it, the CRTC has requested that telecommunications carriers show cause as to why the Commission shouldn't publicly publish certain information.
Document: 040927.pdf - 278KO

2004-09-17 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée à la Liste de distribution - Objet: Justification - Publication de certains renseignements déposés à titre confidential

2004-04-30 - TELUS Communications Inc.
Description: Pursuant to the CRTC or the Commission letter dated March 9, 2004, requesting information for the 2004 data collection exercise on the Canadian telecommunications industry, TELUS Corporation (TELUS or the Company) is providing the information this year via the Commission new web-based data collection system (DCS).
Document: 040430.doc - 11KO

2004-02-06 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée à la Liste de distribution - Objet: Collecte de données sur l'industrie des télécommunications

2004-02-06 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée à la Liste de distribution - Objet: Collecte de données sur l'industrie des télécommunications

2004-01-16 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée à 1285103 Ontario Inc. - Circulaire de télécom CRTC 2003‑1 intitulée Collecte de données sur l'industrie des télécommunications : mise à jour des listes d'enregistrement du CRTC, droits de télécommunication, administration du fonds du mécanisme de contribution canadien, licences internationales et surveillance de l'industrie canadienne des télécommunications

2003-12-22 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée au Destinataire - Par la présente, le Conseil vous informe qu’il a publié, le 11 décembre 2003, sa première Circulaire de télécommunications la Circulaire 2003‑1

Mise à jour : 2005-02-08

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