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Conseil de la radiodiffusion et des télécommunications canadiennes
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2003/02/21 - #: 8623-C12-03/03 - Surveillance de l'industrie canadienne des télécommunications - Sondage de 2003

2003/10/09 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée aux Compagnies - Objet: Demande de justification – Publication de certains renseignements déposés à titre confidentiel

2003/09/29 - Aliant Telecom, Bell Canada, MTS Communications (the Companies)
Description:  This submission in regard to your letter of 24 September 2003 on the above subject is being filed on behalf of Aliant Telecom, Bell Canada and MTS Communications Inc. (the Companies)
Document: 030929.pdf - 37KO

2003/09/29 - TELUS Communications Inc.
Description: The Commission, in its letter dated September 24, 2003 to TELUS Corporation Inc., TELUS National Systems Inc., TELUS Services Inc. and TELUS Communications (Québec) Inc. has asked the Company to show cause as to why the Commission should not publish the following information relating to TELUS in the following area
Document: 030929.doc - 39KO

2003/09/29 - Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel)
Description: Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) submits the following in response to your letter dated 24 September 2003
Document: 030929.doc - 59KO

2003/09/24 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée à la Liste de distribution (ci-jointe) - Objet: Justification - Publication de certains renseignements déposés à titre confidentiel

2003/08/25 - Aliant Telecom Inc., BCE Nexxia Inc. (now part of Bell Canada), Bell Canada, MTS Communications Inc., NorthernTel, Limited Partnership and Télébec, société en commandite (collectively, the Companies).
Description: This submission is in regard to your letter of 1 August 2003 on the above subject (the letter) on behalf of Aliant Telecom Inc., BCE Nexxia Inc. (now part of Bell Canada), Bell Canada, MTS Communications Inc., NorthernTel, Limited Partnership and Télébec, société en commandite (collectively, the Companies).
Document: 030825.doc - 32KO

2003/08/25 - GT Group Telecom Services Corp.
Description: This letter is in response to your letter dated August 1, 2003 requiring all companies listed on an attachment to that letter to show cause by today's date why the Commission should not publish certain information filed in confidence with the Commission in response to the Commission's 2003 industry data collection forms.
Document: 030825.pdf - 62KO

2003/08/25 - 360networks
Description: This letter is in response to your letter dated August 1, 2003 requiring all companies listed on an attachment to that letter to show cause by today'as date why the Commission should not publish certain information filed in confidence with the Commission in response to the Commission's 2003 industry data collection forms.
Description: 030825.pdf - 64KO

2003/08/25 - Rogers Cable Inc.
Description: Further to your letter of August 1, 2003, this is to confirm that Rogers Cable Inc. (Rogers) objects to the publication of a map showing our major fibre routes between cities based on capacity by lit fibre, as provided in Form 03-411.
Document: 030825.doc - 82KO

2003/08/25 - EastLink
Description: Please find attached EastLink's submissions re: Show cause - Publishing of certain information in confidence in response to the Commission letter of August 1, 2002
Document: 030825.doc - 187KO

2003/08/25 - Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel)
Description: Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) submits the following in response to your letter of 1 August 2003 on behalf of itself and Navigata Communications Inc. (Navigata; collectively, the Companies).
Document: 030825.doc - 59KO

2003/08/25 - Allstream Inc.
Description: Allstream Inc. (Allstream) is filing the following response pursuant to the Commission's letter of 1 August 2003
Document: 030825.doc - 251KO

2003/08/01 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée à la liste de distribution - Objet: Justification - Publication de certains renseignements déposés à titre confidentiel

2003/04/07 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée à la liste des destinataires - Objet: Surveillance de l’industrie des télécommunications au Canada – Collecte des données 2003 - Suite à la lettre du Conseil en date du 2 avril 2003

2003/04/02 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée à la liste des destinataires - Objet: Surveillance de l’industrie des télécommunications au Canada – Collecte des données 2003

2003/02/21 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée à la liste de distribution - Objet: Surveillance de l'industrie canadienne des télécommunications - Collecte des données 2003

Mise à jour : 2003-11-24

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