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Broadcasting Public Notice CRTC 2005-121

  Ottawa, 14 December 2005

Revised lists of eligible satellite services

  The Commission approves a request to add Bridges TV to the lists of eligible satellite services for distribution on a digital basis. The revised lists appended to this public notice supersede those appended to Revised lists of eligible satellite services, Broadcasting Public Notice CRTC 2005-105, 24 November 2005.



On 15 December 2004, the Commission received a request from Cable VDN Inc. (VDN), acting as Canadian sponsor,1 to add Bridges TV, a non-Canadian satellite service, to the lists of eligible satellite services for distribution on a digital basis (the digital lists).


VDN described Bridges TV as follows:

Bridges TV is a U.S.-based English-language cultural, lifestyle, and entertainment programming service that is targeted to the interests of people of Muslim heritage. The programming on Bridges TV is 90% in English with a small amount of programming translated from languages other than English by way of open-captioning.


The Commission subsequently issued Call for comments on a proposal to add Bridges TV to the lists of eligible satellite services for distribution on a digital basis, Broadcasting Public Notice CRTC 2005-23, 18 March 2005.

Positions of parties


The Commission received more than two thousand comments in support of VDN’s request. The vast majority of support came from individuals. For the most part, these individuals argued that Bridges TV would foster cultural diversity and enhance understanding of Islam among Canadian Muslims and people of other faiths. Others submitted that Bridges TV would entertain, educate and help to bring Muslims and non-Muslims closer together.


The partners of Bell ExpressVu Limited Partnership2 and Bell Canada, as licensee of Class 1 regional broadcasting distribution undertakings (BDUs) in Ontario and Quebec (collectively, Bell), stated that Bridges TV would afford yet another opportunity for BDUs to provide an expanded list of digital viewing options to Canadians. Bell indicated, however, that its support was contingent on Bridges TV being made available to all BDUs on a fair and equitable basis.


The Commission received a few comments from individuals who opposed the addition of Bridges TV to the digital lists. Some considered that it was not desirable to add a service featuring programming oriented to Islam, and one considered that Bridges TV was a non-Canadian single or limited point-of-view religious service and, as such, should be distributed by BDUs in accordance with the distribution and linkage rules for non-Canadian religious services.


Vision TV: Canada’s Faith Network/Réseau Religieux Canada (Vision), licensee of the national English-language specialty service Vision TV, which provides interfaith religious programming, also opposed the addition of Bridges TV to the digital lists. Vision was also of the view that Bridges TV is a non-Canadian single or limited point-of-view religious service, and was further concerned that there was no indication that Bridges TV would comply with the Commission’s Guidelines on Ethics for Religious Programming set out in Religious Broadcasting Policy, Public Notice CRTC 1993-78, 3 June 1993. Vision submitted that, if the Commission added Bridges TV to the digital lists, it should impose those guidelines on BDUs offering the service. Vision also noted that Bridges TV is a relatively new service and that its programming might change over time, perhaps through the addition of more third-language programming. Vision further submitted that Bridges TV would be competitive with Vision TV and other Canadian specialty services, including Arabic Category 2 services and other Canadian services that offer Muslim programming. Finally, Vision argued that the sponsor and Bridges TV had failed to demonstrate that there was sufficient demand for the service in Canada.

Sponsor’s reply


VDN filed a reply to the concerns raised by Vision, along with submissions from Bridges TV, the legal representatives for Bridges TV and an independent Muslim-Canadian third-language television producer.


With respect to whether Bridges TV should be considered a non-Canadian single or limited point-of-view religious service, Bridges TV stated that only 3% of its weekly programming schedule would fall into Category 4 – Religion.3 Further, Bridges TV noted that the Commission previously added ART America, a non-Canadian service that contains some religious programming and focuses on the lifestyle of people in Arab countries, to the digital lists, and has approved five Category 2 services, including Israelis TV 1 and Israelis TV 2, that are targeted primarily to the Jewish community. Bridges TV noted that the Commission did not consider any of those services to be non-Canadian single or limited point-of-view religious services. Bridges TV also indicated that three Category 2 services offering programming of interest to Canadian Muslims (Canadian Arabic Television Network, Abu Dhabi TV and the Arabic Television Network) are identified as ethnic services, rather than non-Canadian single or limited point-of-view religious services.


In response to Vision’s submission that Bridges TV would be partially or totally competitive with Vision TV, Bridges TV stated that its service is primarily of interest to Canadian viewers who identify themselves as Muslim, whereas Vision’s website indicates that over 60% of Vision TV’s programming is dedicated to Christian viewers. According to Bridges TV, Vision TV offers over 300 hours of programming each year that is explicitly Muslim, and is produced and provided by Muslim organizations. Based on 8,736 hours of programming per year, this represents about 3.5% of Vision TV’s schedule. Further, Bridges TV submitted that the two services may be differentiated by language, since Vision TV’s explicitly Islamic programming is in Arabic, Urdu and other languages, while Bridges TV’s programming is primarily in English.


Bridges TV further noted that Vision made specific reference to only one program per week that both Vision TV and Bridges TV carry. Bridges TV also argued that Vision TV does not provide the same breadth of children’s programming as Bridges TV, nor does it provide any musical or comedy programming for the Muslim community during prime time. Further, Vision TV provides no news programming for the Muslim community on a regularly scheduled basis. In light of the above, Bridges TV did not consider that its service was competitive with Vision TV.


Bridges TV also confirmed its understanding that, if it were to increase the amount of its third-language programming resulting in a fundamental change to its service, it would have to seek the Commission’s approval in order for BDUs to continue to distribute Bridges TV.

Commission’s analysis and determinations


Competitiveness of Bridges TV with Canadian pay and specialty services


The Commission’s approach to requests for the addition of non-Canadian English- and French-language services to the digital lists is set out in Call for proposals to amend the lists of eligible satellite services through the inclusion of additional non-Canadian services eligible for distribution on a digital basis only, Public Notice CRTC 2000-173, 14 December 2000 (Public Notice 2000-173). In Public Notice 2000-173, the Commission indicated that it would assess such requests in the context of its general policy which, among other things, precludes the addition of a new non-Canadian satellite service that can be considered either totally or partially competitive with Canadian specialty or pay television services, including all of the Category 1 and the launched and unlaunched Category 2 specialty and pay television services.4


The Commission has used a case-by-case approach in assessing whether or not a non-Canadian service proposed for addition to the lists would be competitive with an authorized Canadian service. Factors considered in the Commission’s assessment of competitiveness include the nature of the service, the genres of programming provided by the relevant Canadian and non-Canadian services and the target audience, taking into account the language of the service. The Commission also considers relevant the extent to which a proposed non-Canadian service may be a program supplier for an authorized Canadian service.


The Commission compares the factors noted above as they relate to the relevant Canadian services and the sponsored non-Canadian service in order to determine the amount of overlap between the services, and thus the extent to which the non-Canadian service might compete with the Canadian services. The more significant the overlap, the more likely it is that the non-Canadian service will be found to be competitive with the Canadian services.
Bridges TV and Vision TV


The Commission considers that Vision TV’s condition of licence setting out its nature of service describes a service that differs significantly from Bridges TV. Vision TV’s nature of service includes the requirement that its programming consist exclusively of interfaith religious programming that is related to, inspired by, or arises from persons’ spirituality, including related moral or ethical issues. By contrast, the record of this proceeding indicates that Bridges TV is a cultural, entertainment and lifestyle service targeted to the interests of people of Muslim heritage.


Vision TV offers some programming that celebrates Muslim heritage. However, the record of this proceeding indicates that only approximately 3.5% of Vision TV’s programming per year is directed to a Muslim audience, whereas Bridges TV is a full-time service directed to a Muslim audience. Further, Bridges TV offers programming to the Muslim audience in a broad variety of program categories not available on Vision TV, such as regularly scheduled news, comedy and children’s programming for a Muslim audience. The record also indicates that, while most of Vision TV’s Islamic programming is offered in the Urdu and Arabic languages, Bridges TV offers 90% of its programming in English. Finally, with respect to sources of programming, the Commission notes that Vision made reference to only one program per week that both Vision TV and Bridges TV carry.


In light of the above, it is the Commission’s view that there is minimal overlap between Vision TV and Bridges TV, and that Bridges TV would not be competitive with Vision TV.
Bridges TV and Category 1 and Category 2 services


The only specific Category 1 or Category 2 service cited by Vision TV with which Bridges TV might be competitive was Aastha TV, formerly known as ATN – South Asian Devotional Music and Discourse Channel. This service was authorized in ATN – South Asian Devotional Music & Discourse Channel – Category 2 pay television service, Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2005-139, 8 April 2005. The Commission notes that the conditions of licence for Aastha TV require it to offer programming in a variety of South Asian languages, with no programming in English, and limit it to programming drawn exclusively from category 4 – Religion and Category 13 – Public service announcements. In light of the differences in the language and the nature of service, including program categories and target audience, the Commission considers that there is little, if any, potential for material overlap between Bridges TV and Aastha TV.


In addition, with regard to the factors noted earlier, the Commission’s analysis reveals minimal or no overlap between Bridges TV and Category 1 services or other launched and unlaunched Category 2 services. Accordingly, the Commission concludes that Bridges TV would not be partially or totally competitive with such Canadian services.

Is Bridges TV a non-Canadian religious service?


Vision, and one individual, submitted that the Commission should consider Bridges TV to be a non-Canadian single or limited point-of-view religious service, and that the service should be distributed in accordance with the Commission’s approach to the distribution of non-Canadian religious services.


The Distribution and linkage requirements for Class 1 and Class 2 licensees, Broadcasting Public Notice CRTC 2005-119, 14 December 2005 (the D&L rules), provide that non-Canadian religious services must be carried exclusively as discretionary services, subject to the following linkage requirements:

Any Canadian single or limited point-of-view religious programming service, and any non-Canadian religious satellite service set out in the list of Part 2, Part 3 and DTH eligible satellite services for digital distribution, may be offered on a "stand-alone" digital discretionary basis. Such services may also be offered in a package with other Canadian single or limited point-of-view religious services or with non-Canadian religious satellite services. Class 1 licensees are not permitted to offer such services in packages with any other type of Canadian or non-Canadian service.5


If Bridges TV is a religious service, its distribution would be subject to the above requirements.


As noted above, Bridges TV is described as a U.S.-based English-language cultural, lifestyle and entertainment programming service that is targeted to the interests of people of Muslim heritage. Its programming schedule is described as comprising "biography, comedy, children’s programs, travel programs, food programs, talk shows, feature films, music programs (including popular contemporary Muslim recording artists), lifestyle programs targeted specifically to women and discussion of topics of particular concern to women."


The Commission’s review of the 24-hour programming schedule for Bridges TV, dated December 2004, and of the related program descriptions, confirms that only approximately 3% of the overall schedule consists of religious rituals, worship or programs dealing with the formal reading of, or the interpretation of, the Qur’an. The remaining components of the schedule include entertainment and information programming of particular relevance to Muslims and, to a lesser extent, non-Muslims curious about Islam and Muslims. This includes programs that promote a better understanding of Islam and Muslims, explore and compare different faiths, and help to familiarize English-speaking Muslims with other cultures. The schedule also includes National Film Board programming and programming from Canadian producers that offer a perspective from Canadian Muslim communities. Other programs include cooking shows on South Asian cuisine and documentaries on subjects as diverse as Algerian refugees, Egyptian film star Umm Kulthum, Algerian male culture and the Canadian refugee process.


Based on its analysis of Bridges TV’s programming schedule, it is the Commission’s view that Bridges TV is not a religious service, and that it should therefore not be subject to the D&L rules applicable to such services. In this regard, the Commission considers that Bridges TV has been appropriately described by the sponsor as "an English-language cultural, lifestyle, and entertainment programming service."

Other issues


Vision suggested that Bridges TV is a relatively new service, and that it may evolve and possibly increase its third-language programming. The Commission is of the view that an assessment as to whether to add a non-Canadian service is properly based on the composition of the service’s programming at the time of the request.


The Commission notes that its policy, as reiterated in Revised lists of eligible satellite services, Public Notice CRTC 1997-96, 22 July 1997, is to consider the removal of a non-Canadian service from the lists if it should undergo a change in format so as to become competitive with a Canadian pay or specialty service. In Distribution of Spike TV by broadcasting distribution undertakings, Broadcasting Public Notice CRTC 2005-9, 27 January 2005, the Commission stated that, "where a service undergoes such fundamental changes as occurred in this case, so that it is no longer the same service as was approved for distribution by the Commission, the distribution of that service similarly requires the approval of the Commission."


In response to comments, Bridges TV stated that, in the unlikely situation that it might undergo such fundamental changes that it is no longer the same service as was approved for distribution, the Commission’s approval would be sought in order for BDUs to continue to distribute the service.


The Commission considers that its existing approach to deal with format changes by non-Canadian services adequately addresses Vision’s concerns.


In terms of Vision’s suggestion that the sponsor and Bridges TV have failed to demonstrate sufficient demand for the service in Canada, the Commission notes that it requires only that "the sponsor provide evidence of potential demand, as gathered through discussions with distributors." The Commission considers that this requirement has been satisfied, given that the sponsor, VDN stated that, based on its experience in Montréal distributing ART America, it knows that there is a demand for multicultural programming by members of the Muslim community.


With regard to Bell’s suggestion that the addition of services to the digital lists be made subject to the condition that they be available to all BDUs on a fair and equitable basis, the Commission notes that Bell has not presented any evidence to raise concerns that Bridges TV intends to make itself available only to certain distributors or to provide significantly better terms to certain distributors. The Commission would, as a rule, expect non-Canadian services to make themselves available to BDUs on generally comparable terms.



In light of all of the above, the Commission approves VDN’s request to add Bridges TV to the digital lists. Bridges TV has therefore been added to the revised lists attached to this notice. The distribution of Bridges TV will not be subject to the linkage requirements with respect to non-Canadian religious services.
  Secretary General
  This document is available in alternative format upon request, and may also be examined in PDF format or in HTML at the following Internet site: 

Appendix A to Broadcasting Public Notice CRTC 2005-121

List of Part 2 Eligible Satellite Services

Section A

Learning and Skills Television of Alberta

Saskatchewan Communications Network (SCN)

Télé-Québec (STQ)

TVOntario (TVO and TFO)

Open Learning Agency (Knowledge Network)

Atlantic Satellite Network (ASN)

CFTU-TV Montréal


CBC English-language Television Service
CBC French-language Television Service

WHDH-TV Boston/WGRZ-TV Buffalo/WPTZ Burlington/
WDIV Detroit/WICU-TV Erie/KARE Minneapolis/
KHQ-TV Spokane/KING-TV Seattle


WGBH-TV Boston/WNED-TV Buffalo/WETK Burlington/
WTVS Detroit/WQLN Erie/KSPS-TV Spokane/KCTS-TV Seattle


WBZ-TV Boston/WIVB-TV Buffalo/WCAX-TV Burlington/
WSEE Erie/WTOL-TV Toledo/WCCO-TV Minneapolis/
KREM-TV Spokane/KIRO-TV Seattle/WWJ-TV Detroit


WCVB-TV Boston/WKBW-TV Buffalo/WVNY Burlington/
WXYZ-TV Detroit/WJET-TV Erie/KSTP-TV Minneapolis/
KXLY-TV Spokane/KOMO-TV Seattle


WUTV Buffalo/WFFF-TV Burlington/WFTC Minneapolis/
WUHF Rochester/KAYU-TV Spokane/KCPQ Tacoma/
WFXT Boston


ART America

The Arts and Entertainment Network (A&E)

BBC World

Black Entertainment Television (BET)

Cable News Network (CNN)

CNN Headline News (CNN-2)

Cable Satellite Public Affairs Network (C-Span)

Consumer News and Business Channel (CNBC)

Court TV

Deutsche Welle

The Filipino Channel

The Golf Channel

The Learning Channel

Radio-France outre-mer (RFO1)*

The Silent Network (Kaleidoscope)

Speed Channel

Spike TV

TV Japan

TV Polonia

The Weather Channel (TWC)

WMNB-TV: Russian-American Broadcasting Company

Licensed pay audio programming undertaking(s)**

Section B

KSTW (IND) Tacoma/Seattle*

KTLA Los Angeles

KWGN-TV Denver

WGN-TV Chicago

WPIX New York City

WSBK-TV Boston

WTBS Atlanta

WUAB-TV (IND) Cleveland*

WWOR-TV New York City

American Movie Classics

Comedy Central

Game Show Network

Lifetime Television

Playboy TV***

Turner Classic Movies

* Received from a licensed SRDU

** A pay audio programming undertaking may not be used for linkage purposes for the distribution of any non-Canadian eligible satellite services.

*** Playboy TV is only authorized for distribution at the specific request of a subscriber. Distributors are not permitted to package Playboy TV in such a way that subscribers are obligated to purchase Playboy TV in order to purchase any other programming service. Distributors are required to take measures to fully block the reception of both the audio and video portions of Playboy TV to subscribers that request it not be receivable in their home (in either unscrambled or scrambled analog form).

Authorization for the services in Sections A and B is subject to the following:

- In the case of signals received from a licensed SRDU, ASN, the CBC English- and French-language Television Services and foreign satellite services, licensees are required to enter into the necessary contractual arrangements for such carriage.

- Licensees that distribute a PBS signal received at the local head end by terrestrial transmission may distribute one PBS service received from a licensed SRDU. All other licensees may distribute a maximum of two PBS services received from a licensed SRDU. Licensees may not distribute the signal of more than one affiliate of the same commercial U.S. network, received from a licensed SRDU, unless otherwise authorized pursuant to a condition of licence.

♦ denotes service in a language other than English or French added before 16 December 2004.

Section C

List of Part 2 Eligible Satellite Services for Digital Distribution Only

Al Jazeera*

ART Movies

Bloomberg Television

Bridges TV


Canal SUR

Channel One Russia Worldwide TV


Discovery Wings

Eternal Word Television Network




Fox News

German TV

Grandes Documentales de TVE




Muslim Television Ahmadiyya

Network TEN (Australia)

New Tang Dynasty Television (NTDTV)

NFL Network

Oxygen Network


Phoenix North American Chinese Channel (PNACC)



Radio Television Portugal International (RTPi)

RAI International 2

Romanian Television International (RTVI)

RTV Palma

Sony Entertainment Television Asia (SET Asia)


TV Globo Internacional

TV Land

TV3 Republic of Ireland

TV3 Television Network (New Zealand)

TV4 Television Network (New Zealand)


* On the condition that the licensee has a condition of licence governing the distribution of Al Jazeera

Authorization for the services in Section C is subject to the following:

- Licensees are required to enter into the necessary contractual arrangements for carriage of these foreign satellite services.

- Providers of these foreign services must have obtained and must remain in possession of all necessary rights for the distribution of their programming in Canada.

- Providers of these foreign services must not hold, nor try to obtain, nor exercise, preferential or exclusive programming rights in relation to the distribution of programming in Canada.

♦ denotes service in a language other than English or French added before 16 December 2004. 

Appendix B to Broadcasting Public Notice CRTC 2005-121


List of Part 3 Eligible Satellite Services

  Learning and Skills Television of Alberta  
  Saskatchewan Communications Network (SCN)  
  Télé-Québec (STQ)  
  TVOntario (TVO and/et TFO)  
  Open Learning Agency (Knowledge Network)  
  Atlantic Satellite Network (ASN)  
  Aboriginal Peoples Television Network (APTN)  
  CBC English-language Television Service
CBC French-language Television Service
  The programming service of any licensed television programming undertaking*  
  WHDH-TV Boston/WGRZ-TV Buffalo/WPTZ Burlington/
WDIV Detroit/WICU-TV Erie/KARE Minneapolis/
KHQ-TV Spokane/KING-TV Seattle
  WGBH-TV Boston/WNED-TV Buffalo/WETK Burlington/WTVS Detroit/
WQLN Erie/KSPS-TV Spokane/KCTS-TV Seattle
  WBZ-TV Boston/WIVB-TV Buffalo/WCAX-TV Burlington/
WSEE Erie/WTOL-TV Toledo/WCCO-TV Minneapolis/
KREM-TV Spokane/KIRO-TV Seattle/WWJ-TV Detroit
  WCVB-TV Boston/WKBW-TV Buffalo/WVNY Burlington/WXYZ-TV
Detroit/ WJET-TV Erie/KSTP-TV Minneapolis/KXLY-TV Spokane/
KOMO-TV Seattle
  WUTV Buffalo/WFFF-TV Burlington/WFTC Minneapolis/WUHF Rochester/KAYU-TV Spokane/KCPQ Tacoma/WFXT Boston FOX*
  KSTW Tacoma/Seattle IND*
  WUAB-TV Cleveland IND*
  KTLA Los Angeles  
  KWGN-TV Denver  
  WGN-TV Chicago  
  WPIX New York City  
  WSBK-TV Boston  
  WTBS Atlanta  
  WWOR-TV New York City  
  American Movie Classics  
  ART America  
  The Arts and Entertainment Network (A&E)  
  BBC World  
  Black Entertainment Television (BET)  
  Cable News Network (CNN)  
  CNN Headline News (CNN-2)  
  Cable Satellite Public Affairs Network (C-Span)  
  Comedy Central  
  Consumer News and Business Channel (CNBC)  
  Court TV  
  Deutsche Welle  
  The Filipino Channel  
  Game Show Network  
  The Golf Channel  
  The Learning Channel  
  Lifetime Television  
  Playboy TV **  
  Radio-France outre-mer (RFO1)*  
  The Silent Network (Kaleidoscope)  
  Speed Channel  
  Spike TV  
  Turner Classic Movies  
  TV Japan  
  TV Polonia  
  The Weather Channel (TWC)  
  WMNB-TV: Russian-American Broadcasting Company  
  Licensed pay audio programming undertaking(s)  
* Received from a licensed SRDU
** Playboy TV is only authorized for distribution at the specific request of a subscriber. Distributors are not permitted to package Playboy TV in such a way that subscribers are obligated to purchase Playboy TV in order to purchase any other programming service. Distributors are required to take measures to fully block the reception of both the audio and video portions of Playboy TV to subscribers that request it not be receivable in their home (in either unscrambled or scrambled analog form).
  Authorization for the services in List of Part 3 Eligible Satellite Services is subject to the following:
  - In the case of out-of-province educational services, there should be no objection on the part of the originating service.
  - In the case of signals received from a licensed SRDU, ASN, the CBC English- and French-language Television Services and foreign satellite services, licensees are required to enter into the necessary contractual arrangements for such carriage.
  - In the case of licensed television programming undertakings offering TVA or CTV programming, a licensee also distributing the signal of a local TVA or CTV affiliate shall delete the duplicate programming from the services received from a licensed SRDU or substitute the local service(s) when the programming is identical.
  - Licensees that distribute a PBS signal received at the local head end by terrestrial transmission may distribute one PBS service received from a licensed SRDU. All other licensees may distribute a maximum of two PBS services received from a licensed SRDU. Licensees may not distribute the signal of more than one affiliate of the same commercial U.S. network, received from a licensed SRDU, unless otherwise authorized pursuant to a condition of licence.

denotes service in a language other than English or French added before 16 December 2004.

List of Part 3 Eligible Satellite services for Digital Distribution Only

  Al Jazeera*
  ART Movies
  Bloomberg Television
  Bridges TV
  Canal SUR
  Channel One Russia Worldwide TV
  Discovery Wings
  Eternal Word Television Network
  Fox News
  German TV
  Grandes Documentales de TVE
  Muslim Television Ahmadiyya
  Network TEN (Australia)
  New Tang Dynasty Television (NTDTV)
  NFL Network
  Oxygen Network
  Phoenix North American Chinese Channel (PNACC)
  PTV-Prime USA
  Radio Television Portugal International (RTPi)
  RAI International 2
  Romanian Television International (RTVI)
  RTV Palma
  Sony Entertainment Television Asia (SET Asia)
  TV Globo Internacional
  TV Land
  TV3 Republic of Ireland
  TV3 Television Network (New Zealand)
  TV4 Television Network (New Zealand)
* On the condition that the licensee has a condition of licence governing the distribution of Al Jazeera.
  Authorization for the services eligible for digital distribution only are subject to the following:
  - Licensees are required to enter into the necessary contractual arrangements for carriage of these foreign satellite services.
  - Providers of these foreign services must have obtained and must remain in possession of all necessary rights for the distribution of their programming in Canada.
  - Providers of these foreign services must not hold, nor try to obtain, nor exercise, preferential or exclusive programming rights in relation to the distribution of programming in Canada.

denotes service in a language other than English or French added before 16 December 2004.

Appendix C to Broadcasting Public Notice CRTC 2005-121


List of DTH Eligible Satellite Services

Section A
  ART America  
  The Arts and Entertainment Network (A&E)  
  BBC World  
  Black Entertainment Television (BET)  
  Cable News Network (CNN)  
  CNN Headline News (CNN-2)  
  Cable Satellite Public Affairs Network (C-Span)  
  Consumer News and Business Channel (CNBC)  
  Court TV  
  Deutsche Welle  
  The Filipino Channel  
  The Golf Channel  
  The Learning Channel  
  The Silent Network (Kaleidoscope)
  Speed Channel
  Spike TV
  TV Japan
  TV Polonia
  The Weather Channel (TWC)
  WMNB-TV: Russian-American Broadcasting Company
  Radio France outre-mer (RFO1)
Section B
  KSTW (IND) Tacoma/Seattle*
  KTLA Los Angeles*
  KWGN-TV Denver*
  WGN-TV Chicago*
  WPIX New York City*
  WSBK-TV Boston*
  WTBS Atlanta*
  WWOR-TV New York City*
  American Movie Classics
  Comedy Central
  Game Show Network
  Lifetime Television
  Playboy TV **
  Turner Classic Movies
* U.S. Superstation
** Playboy TV is only authorized for distribution at the specific request of a subscriber. Distributors are not permitted to package Playboy TV in such a way that subscribers are obligated to purchase Playboy TV in order to purchase any other programming service.
  Authorization for the services listed in Section A and Section B is subject to the following:
  - Licensees are required to enter into the necessary contractual arrangements for carriage of foreign satellite services.

denotes service in a language other than English or French added before 16 December 2004.
Section C
  Al Jazeera*
  ART Movies
  Bloomberg Television
  Bridges TV
  Canal SUR
  Channel One Russia Worldwide TV
  Discovery Wings
  Eternal Word Television Network
  Fox News
  German TV
  Grandes Documentales de TVE
  Muslim Television Ahmadiyya
  Network TEN (Australia)
  New Tang Dynasty Television (NTDTV)
  NFL Network
  Oxygen Network
  Phoenix North American Chinese Channel (PNACC)
  PTV-Prime USA
  Radio Television Portugal International (RTPi)
  RAI International 2
  Romanian Television International (RTVI)
  RTV Palma
  Sony Entertainment Television Asia (SET Asia)
  TV Globo internacional
  TV Land
  TV3 Republic of Ireland
  TV3 Television Network (New Zealand)
  TV4 Television Network (New Zealand)
* On the condition that the licensee has a condition of licence governing the distribution of Al Jazeera
  Authorization for the services listed in Section C is subject to the following:
  - Licensees are required to enter into the necessary contractual arrangements for carriage of these foreign satellite services.
  - Providers of these foreign services must have obtained and must remain in possession of all necessary rights for the distribution of their programming in Canada.
  - Providers of these foreign services must not hold, nor try to obtain, nor exercise, preferential or exclusive programming rights in relation to the distribution of programming in Canada.

denotes service in a language other than English or French added before 16 December 2004.

Appendix D to Broadcasting Public Notice CRTC 2005-121

List of Part 2, Part 3, and DTH Eligible
Satellite Services for Digital Distribution

  Al Jazeera*
  ART Movies
  Bloomberg Television
  Bridges TV
  Canal SUR
  Channel One Russia Worldwide TV
  Discovery Wings
  Eternal Word Television Network
  Fox News
  German TV
  Grandes Documentales de TVE
  Muslim Television Ahmadiyya
  Network TEN (Australia)
  New Tang Dynasty Television (NTDTV)
  NFL Network
  Oxygen Network
  Phoenix North American Chinese Channel (PNACC)
  PTV-Prime USA
  Radio Television Portugal International (RTPi)
  RAI International 2
  Romanian Television International (RTVI)
  RTV Palma
  Sony Entertainment Television Asia (SET Asia)
  TV Globo Internacional
  TV Land
  TV3 Republic of Ireland
  TV3 Television Network (New Zealand)
  TV4 Television Network (New Zealand)
* On the condition that the licensee has a condition of licence governing the distribution of Al Jazeera
  Authorization for the above-noted services is subject to the following:
  - Licensees are required to enter into the necessary contractual arrangements for carriage of these foreign satellite services.
  - Providers of these foreign services must have obtained and must remain in possession of all necessary rights for the distribution of their programming in Canada.
  - Providers of these foreign services must not hold, nor try to obtain, nor exercise, preferential or exclusive programming rights in relation to the distribution of programming in Canada.

denotes service in a language other than English or French added before 16 December 2004.


  Authorization for the services set out in all of the lists contained in Appendices A through D is subject to the following:
  When any of these lists of eligible satellite services are replaced by another list, the only authorized services will be those contained in the most recent list, accordingly these lists supersede the lists dated 24 November 2005.
1 On 2 August 2005, Bell Canada announced that it had purchased the residential cable assets of VDN. On 27 September 2005, Bell Canada filed a confirmation with the Commission that it supported the initiative originated by VDN and stated that it was pleased to assume VDN’s role as sponsor of Bridges TV. In Revocation of licence, Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2005-534, 27 October 2005, the Commission revoked the licence issued to VDN.

2Bell ExpressVu Inc. (the general partner), and BCE Inc. and 4119649 Canada Inc. (partners in BCE Holdings G.P., a general partnership that is the limited partner), carrying on business as Bell ExpressVu Limited Partnership

3 Category 4 is defined as programs dealing with religion and religious teachings, as well as discussions of the human spiritual condition.

4 A different test is applied to general interest third-language non-Canadian services, which are generally approved subject to specific distribution and linkage rules.

5 A similar rule applicable to direct-to-home (DTH) satellite distribution undertakings is set out in Linkage requirements for direct-to-home (DTH) satellite distribution undertakings, Broadcasting Public Notice CRTC 2005-120, 14 December 2005.

Date Modified: 2005-12-14


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