Canadian Arctic Resources Committee
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Welcome to the new CARC Website!

CARC is a citizens' organization dedicated to the long-term environmental and social well being of northern Canada and its peoples. We believe in sustainable development and the application of the precautionary principle. Our policy and advocacy work is grounded in solid scientific and socio-economic research and experience.

We don’t want to keep the north as a theme park for visiting tourists, but neither do we want to let the pressures of development destroy the northern environment and society. We are committed to finding another path, which will allow northern peoples to benefit from development without compromising their future.

CARC was born more than thirty years ago as a response to the first Mackenzie Valley pipeline proposal. Since that time, CARC has been involved in numerous northern issues, from helping negotiate an international treaty on toxic chemicals, to ensuring that Canada’s first diamond mines are given the most thorough environmental assessments possible. CARC’s staff operates from our offices in Yellowknife and Ottawa.