| Main Index


  • Packages
  • Packages (Broadcasting)
  • Packages of specialty services
  • Packet data services
  • Pamphlets
  • Panels
  • Paper proceedings
  • Parabolic antennas
  • Parent companies
  • Parent corporations
  • Parliament
  • Parliament of Canada
  • Part 1 licence fees
  • Part 1 license fees
  • Part 2 eligible satellite services
  • Part 2 licence fees
  • Part 2 license fees
  • Part 3 eligible satellite services
  • Part I licence fees
  • Part I license fees
  • Part II eligible satellite services
  • Part II licence fees
  • Part II license fees
  • Part III eligible satellite services
  • Part one licence fees
  • Part one license fees
  • Part three eligible satellite services
  • Part two eligible satellite services
  • Part two licence fees
  • Part two license fees
  • Part-time Commissioners
  • Part-time CRTC Commissioners
  • Parties
  • Partisan political advertising
  • Partnerships
  • Pass through charges
  • Pass through portion
  • Pass-through charges
  • Pass-through portion
  • Pay audio
  • Pay audio programming undertakings
  • Pay audio service
  • Pay per view
  • Pay per view direct to home television
  • Pay per view programming services
  • Pay per view programming undertakings
  • Pay per view services
  • Pay per view television
  • Pay per view television programming undertakings
  • Pay per view television services
  • Pay per view TV
  • Pay per view TV programming undertakings
  • Pay phone providers
  • Pay phones
  • Pay services
  • Pay telephone market
  • Pay telephone marketplace
  • Pay telephone markets
  • Pay telephone providers
  • Pay telephone service
  • Pay telephone service providers
  • Pay telephone services
  • Pay telephones
  • Pay television
  • Pay television programming undertakings
  • Pay Television Regulations
  • Pay Television Regulations, 1990
  • Pay television services
  • Pay television undertakings
  • Pay TV
  • Pay TV services
  • Pay-per-view
  • Pay-per-view direct-to-home television
  • Pay-per-view programming services
  • Pay-per-view programming undertakings
  • Pay-per-view services
  • Pay-per-view television
  • Pay-per-view television programming undertakings
  • Pay-per-view television services
  • Pay-per-view TV
  • Pay-per-view TV programming undertakings
  • Pay-TV
  • Pay-TV services
  • Payment
  • Payment in advance
  • Payment methods
  • Payment period
  • Payment periods
  • Payment time limit
  • Payment time limits
  • Payments
  • Payphone providers
  • Payphones
  • PBX
  • PBXs
  • PCI
  • PCS
  • PDTH
  • Peak hours
  • Peak time
  • Peak viewing hours
  • Peak viewing periods
  • Peak viewing time
  • Penalties
  • Pending tariff filing
  • Pending tariff filings
  • Pension fund societies
  • People with disabilities
  • People with hearing disabilities
  • People with low vision
  • People with visual disabilities
  • Performances
  • Performers
  • Performing artists
  • Performing rights organisations
  • Performing rights organizations
  • Performing rights societies
  • Periods
  • Person to person calls
  • Person-to-person calls
  • Personal call management
  • Personal call management service
  • Personal call management services
  • Personal communications services
  • Personnel
  • Persons with disabilities
  • Persons with hearing disabilities
  • Persons with low vision
  • Persons with visual disabilities
  • Petitions
  • Phase 1 directives
  • Phase 2
  • Phase 2 costing methodology
  • Phase 3
  • Phase 3 costing methodology
  • Phase I directives
  • Phase II
  • Phase II costing methodology
  • Phase III
  • Phase III costing methodology
  • Phase one directives
  • Phase three
  • Phase three costing methodology
  • Phase two
  • Phase two costing methodology
  • Phone books
  • Phone calls
  • Phone companies
  • Phone company facilities
  • Phone directories
  • Phone lines
  • Phone numbers
  • Phone operators
  • PICs
  • Planned tariff filing
  • Planned tariff filings
  • Play lists
  • Playlists
  • POI
  • Points of interconnection
  • Points of presence
  • POIs
  • Police
  • Police forces
  • Policies
  • Policy
  • Policy for Canada
  • Policy for commercial radio
  • Policy for community radio
  • Policy for ethnic broadcasting
  • Policy framework
  • Policy objectives
  • Policy reviews
  • Political advertising
  • Political broadcasts
  • Political candidates
  • Political parties
  • Political programmes
  • Political programming
  • Political programs
  • Political shows
  • Pop
  • Pop music
  • POPs
  • Popular music
  • Popular music selections
  • Portable subsidies
  • PPV
  • PPV programming services
  • PPV services
  • PPV television
  • PPV television services
  • PPV TV
  • PPV TV services
  • Pre-hearing conferences
  • Pre-payment
  • Pre-school children
  • Pre-schoolers
  • Preferential access
  • Preferential rights
  • Preferential tariffs
  • Preferred interexchange carriers
  • Preferred shares
  • Prejudice (Law)
  • Prepayment
  • Preschool children
  • Preschoolers
  • Present value
  • President
  • Previews
  • Price cap constraints
  • Price cap filing
  • Price cap filings
  • Price cap index
  • Price cap limits
  • Price cap method of regulation
  • Price cap period
  • Price cap regime
  • Price cap regulation
  • Price caps
  • Price ceilings
  • Price increases
  • Price indexes
  • Price indices
  • Price reductions
  • Price regulation
  • Price regulation framework
  • Prices
  • Pricing
  • Pricing options
  • Primary exchange service
  • Primary interexchange carriers
  • Prime time
  • Principal stock exchange
  • Prior approval
  • Priority carriage
  • Priority distribution
  • Priority programmes
  • Priority programming
  • Priority programming services
  • Priority programs
  • Priority services
  • Priority signals
  • Privacy
  • Privacy of persons
  • Privacy protections
  • Private branch exchanges
  • Private broadcasters
  • Private broadcasting
  • Private broadcasting undertakings
  • Private licences
  • Private licenses
  • Private networks
  • Private property
  • Private radio
  • Private stations
  • Private television
  • Private undertakings
  • Privately owned broadcasting undertakings
  • Privately owned networks
  • Privately owned stations
  • Privatisation
  • Privatization
  • Procedures
  • Proceedings
  • Proceedings of the House of Commons
  • Producers
  • Production
  • Production companies
  • Production credits
  • Production funds
  • Production studios
  • Productions
  • Productivity
  • Productivity offset
  • Profane comments
  • Profane language
  • Profane pictorial representations
  • Professional sport
  • Professional sports
  • Professional sports programmes
  • Professional sports programming
  • Professional sports programs
  • Professional sports shows
  • Profit
  • Profits
  • Program categories
  • Program classification
  • Program classification systems
  • Program content
  • Program deletion
  • Program grids
  • Program logs
  • Program material
  • Program repeat channels
  • Program repeats
  • Program schedules
  • Program source
  • Program substitution
  • Program syndication
  • Program transmission
  • Program types
  • Programme categories
  • Programme classification
  • Programme classification systems
  • Programme content
  • Programme grids
  • Programme logs
  • Programme material
  • Programme repeat channels
  • Programme repeats
  • Programme schedules
  • Programme substitution
  • Programme syndication
  • Programme transmission
  • Programmes
  • Programming
  • Programming categories
  • Programming complaints
  • Programming content
  • Programming contribution to local expression
  • Programming contributions to local expression
  • Programming grids
  • Programming hours
  • Programming material
  • Programming period
  • Programming periods
  • Programming rights
  • Programming schedules
  • Programming service deletion
  • Programming service operators
  • Programming services
  • Programming source
  • Programming undertakings
  • Programs
  • Prohibited content
  • Prohibited program content
  • Prohibited programme content
  • Prohibited programming content
  • Promos
  • Promotion
  • Promotion with sponsor mention
  • Promotional channels
  • Promotional material
  • Promotional videos
  • Promotions
  • Proof of service
  • Property
  • Property rights
  • Proposals
  • Protection of consumer privacy
  • Protection of privacy
  • Providers
  • Provincial acts
  • Provincial authorities
  • Provincial bills
  • Provincial election results
  • Provincial elections
  • Provincial enactments
  • Provincial government
  • Provincial governments
  • Provincial laws
  • Provincial legislation
  • Provincial referenda
  • Provincial referendum results
  • Provincial referendums
  • Provincial regulation
  • Provincial regulations
  • Provincial statutes
  • Provincial taxes
  • Provision of service
  • PSA
  • PSAs
  • PSEA
  • PSTN
  • PSTNs
  • PTSPs
  • Public
  • Public affairs programmes
  • Public affairs programming
  • Public affairs programming services
  • Public affairs programs
  • Public affairs shows
  • Public authorities
  • Public broadcasters
  • Public broadcasting
  • Public broadcasting undertakings
  • Public consultations
  • Public disclosure
  • Public disclosure of confidential information
  • Public disclosure of information
  • Public funding
  • Public hearings
  • Public interest
  • Public interest objectives
  • Public licences
  • Public licenses
  • Public notices
  • Public pay phone service
  • Public pay phones
  • Public pay telephone market
  • Public pay telephone markets
  • Public pay telephone service
  • Public pay telephone services
  • Public pay telephones
  • Public payphone service
  • Public payphones
  • Public phones
  • Public proceedings
  • Public process
  • Public processes
  • Public property
  • Public radio
  • Public right of way
  • Public right-of-way
  • Public rights of way
  • Public rights-of-way
  • Public service announcements
  • Public Service Employment Act
  • Public Service Superannuation Act
  • Public stations
  • Public switched telephone network
  • Public switched telephone networks
  • Public telephone market
  • Public telephone markets
  • Public telephone service
  • Public telephone services
  • Public telephones
  • Public television
  • Public utilities
  • Purchase price
  • Purchase prices
  • Purchases of shares