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Building the Bioeconomy

Ag-West Bio's focus centers on products derived from living organisms with market applications in agricultural, environmental, industrial, energy and bio-processing, and health and nutrition markets.


Up-Coming Ag-West Bio Events

Canada West NHP Workshops: January 29: Safe and Effective NHPs: Finding the Evidence. This workshop gives an overview of the anatomy of Clinical Trials. Click here for details.


Plant Bio-Industrial Oils Workshop- February 27 - 28 Following the resounding success of the last workshop in 2006, Ag-West Bio will host the 3rd Plant-Bio Industrial Oils Workshop this February. This workshop will provide updated information on new research and issues relating to industrial uses of plant bio-oils, industry developments
and initiatives, funding updates, and discussion on next steps for the industry. Click here for more information!

What's New


Bio-Bulletin. Nov., 2006, Volume 1, Issue 3

-> AWB 2006 Annual Report
sasksolutions-icon   Ag-West Bio has produced a video to celebrate and promote Saskatchewan's bio-economy. View the video. Order your free copy now!


The Saskatchewan Solutions Directory is now available online!

Funding assistance for Ag-West Bio is provided by Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food.

Last updated: 12/06/2006


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