From: Edge, Michelle Sent: July 3, 2001 1:05 PM To: Procedure Subject: Comments for PN 2001-37: Price cap review Comments from Cran Campbell, Vancouver, BC: People that are making wages don't get increases as often as the telephone companies get rate increases. I think where it's really harmful, and where it affects me and perhaps 1 million other people are people on low income and disability. They have a certain income that they have to live within. A phone is a necessity. It's one of the main contacts they have with society and their families, and stuff like that. It gets to a point where if the phone keeps going up and up, they're going to have to give up food. That's reality, that's not imaginary. The prices keep going up and up and up. I don't know where these guys are going, but it's getting excessive for basic telephone service. They're dinging you for everything: operator services, directory assistance, and 911 - the CRTC takes taxes for that too, where they used to supply it for free. There's not an inch left where they're not trying to get money out of you. I'm a person on diablity, and the reality is we're going to reach a point where this phone is going to have to go because I'm going to have to feed myself. If you want people to participate in society, you better give them the means to do that. Or you'll have criminals roaming the street. Another thing that I find really outrageous, is that TELUS is charging an outrageous fee for their internet service, and I think that is outrageous. Everybody is pushing to have all provinces linked up to the internet, but you add that to your telephone service, and it's outrageous. You're forgetting what it's costing the individual to do it. I talk to both low income and people on disability, but people on minimum wage --- their income is so low, and their wages aren't going up, and they're going to have to start giving up their phones. It's all related to your paycheque and what you can do with that. We're paying more money, but for what? What's it for? Is it for them to make more money and profits? And I don't have anything against companies making profits, but when it affects a certain poor portion of society that needs a phone as part of basic needs, then there's something wrong. You're doing harm to society itself. In the long run people will recognize that. What am I getting for this increase? They haven't done anything. I don't know how this increases competition. All you're doing is benefiting that business, but you're not benefiting the people that use the business. You're only benefiting a few individuals.