From: Agnew Family[]

Sent: October 10, 2001 9:29 AM


Subject: CRTC Reviewing Rules for Local Telephone Service Prices

To Whom it May Concern,

    I am writing this letter regarding the CRTC reviewing the Rules for Local Telephone Service Prices.  In the past year Bell Canada has continually found ways to give less service and change more for it.  In March of last year the price for messaging services such as call waiting, call answer, and name and number display etc. were increased from $5.00 dollars per month to $7.00 dollars per month.  Bell has also cut back their maintenance service which they are now asking customers to pay a monthly insurance fee for any service that I need to have completed inside my home.  The rates for adding another phone jack also increased form $60.00 to $69.00 that is an increase of $9.00.

    It appears to me that every time I turn around my phone bill rates are increasing.  In 1996 my residential line was costing $10.13, in 1997 the price increased to $13.73.  That is an increase of $3.60.   Between 1997 and 2000 the cost of a residential line increased by an additional $5.40.

    It seems that Bell is raising rates in every able fashion with the end result being that the customer gets the short end of the stick yet again.  The rates of having a phone are no longer affordable by the time you add a service or two, you are looking at spending close to fifty dollars a month and that is before you add the long distance charges.  I am tired of having my rates increased with the promise of better service and never receiving the better service.  Instead of better service we get an opportunity to pay an extra fee for the promise of maintenance should we need it.  I hope that the CRTC will take into consideration that fact the some families can not afford to keep paying more and more.  I hope that the CRTC will rule that Bell should keep their rates where they are.  Thank you for taking the time to read my comments.

Mrs. L. Agnew