From: Bialobzyski[]

Sent: September 6, 2001 6:24 PM


Subject: proposed Telus service increase

To Whom it May Concern;

    An insert in our Telus bill has given me an opportunity to express my comments regarding Telus's intention to increase its service charges.

   I don't think any Telus customer is applauding their intention! The increase naturally means another expense increase on a tight budget. Therefore, one of the alternatives is to sacrifice other commodities in order to pay for the service increase; since one cannot find a cheaper service phone provider due to Telus's monopoly in this area! What I will be forced to do is cancel Telus's internet service (which I have learned , and enjoyed, to use to communicate with my children, grandchildren, and relatives.) Also I will be looking for a cheaper long distance provider, which fortunately, Telus does not have the monoply!

   I do not believe that my above comments will in any way positively affect me or any other Telus customer. But, at least, you have an opinion from a retired senior on a fixed income that is being continously monetarily "squeezeed" by rising costs! This results in an illusion in the precept that retirement is the "happy" time when one does what one wants when one wants! Instead, it is a time of continous careful money management in order to stay "financially alive!"


                                                    Yours truly,

                                                    Peter Bialobzyski