
Sent: October 1, 2001 3:32 PM



Subject: telus rates

Dear Sir or Madam;

I did not receive the notice regarding the meeting in Hull in time to plan

to attend.Even if I could afford it.Let's hold the next meeting somewhere

closer to the people affected, say Alberta or British Columbia??

I object to an approval of a monthly increase of $ 3.00 a month to my

telephone bill,depsite the fact it means people living in remote areas might

have to put up with a service a little poorer than mine.They might be better

off without it - fewer frustations.Do you realize what % of interest this

works out to?My bill would go from 23.15 a month to 35.00 per month,just

for having a phone in my house,and that's before GST and PST.I find no great

fault in the sevice provided by Telus but it does appear that they are

trying to maximize their profits - and it seems to me they have been

asking for nickel and dime increases ever since they took over.

If people chose to live in areas remote to service that is there

problem.There are places I would just love to live but cannot afford to.As a

retired ex member of the military,having served in Europe for three and a

half years during ww2 and again in Korea,living on a military service

pension,my wife being a victim of Alzheimers disease,which costs me $1000.00

a month for her care, I need to plan the use of all my pennies.There are

thousands of us out here.The phone allows us to keep in touch with our loved

ones,most of whom are spread across thousands of kilometers of this country

and therefore diffcult to visit because of the cost of travel.Don't make it

more difficult to maintain that needed family conact.


Thank you for your time.





From The Desk of W. Biggs