From: Kent & Kathy Brewer[]

Sent: August 29, 2001 10:47 AM



Subject: FW: No to increased fees!





ATTN; Manager/ Regulatory Matters,

I believe that Aliant Telecom is already price gouging and certainly don't

need more revenues from the residential customers. If they can't afford to

operate that business on there current revenues, then we should look for

some company that can.

My home phone bill invoice covering from July 12 - Aug. 12 is $55.71 + I

own my own phone!

My cell phone bill invoice covering from July 15 - Aug. 15 is $ 72.42.

I phoned NB TEL 2 months ago and asked them to review my accounts to make

sure I'm on the best plan for my needs & they confirmed it was?????????

Please do not allow these money hungry companies to take even more money

out of our pockets. Tell them to let go all the upper management making

million $ wages & lower the existing telephone rates.

Thanks, Mr. & Mrs. Brewer

506-327-3703 + 506-327-5219 or )