From: Ryan Brooks[]

Sent: September 21, 2001 3:13 PM

To: ''

Cc: ''

Subject: Fee increase proposal

I would like to voice official opposition to the service improvement plan proposed by Telus. I recently moved from Calgary, Alberta to Okotoks, Alberta. Okotoks is only 30 KM south of Calgary but as a result of the move my residential phone rate was increased approx. $8.00 per month. A Telus customer service representative explained to me that the rates were higher in Okotoks because it was an out lying community and therefore we had to pay more for the infrastructure and improvements required to deliver the service.

I find it appalling that Telus wants to charge me $8.00 per month extra to pay for additional infrastructure to live outside of Calgary and then expects me to pay an additional $3.00 per month to support others in the same situation. It is my opinion that this plan should be offered to the underserved communities as a "pay for use" type of campaign. If the communities would like the improvement it should be the responsibility of the residents of that community to pay for that improvement. I do not feel it is my responsibility to finance some one else's improvements when I am already paying for my own.

There must be some uniformity to the way customers are charged for residential phone service. It can not be the responsibility of a few comminutes to subsidize the entire customer base. What will Telus do when the customers subsidizing the rest of the system cancel their service for an alternate service such as High speed cable Internet or Cellular phones? Will these underserved communities be required to pay for their own service?............................

What a thought.





Ryan Brooks, C.E.T.

Bristol Babcock Canada

Phone (403) 265-4808 ext. 25

Fax (403) 233-2914

Cell (403) 850-9849


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