From: Stan Buhay[]

Reply To:

Sent: September 4, 2001 10:52 PM


Subject: Regulatory Rules re Local Telephone Service

To: Secretary General


Ottawa, Ont.

Dear Sir:

I have party line telephone service and pay a telephone rental service

of $4.55 per month or $54.60 per year or $546.00 over a ten year

period. I am paying this rental for a phone that is worth less then

$20.00. This is not including any PST or GST

I am not allowed to decline this phone rental. I returned this phone

once to Bell and I was told that I had no choice I had to rent the phone

and that they would not allow me to buy it. I have paid for this phone

many times over. I do not see any sense to this pricing other then

lining the pockets of Bell. There is no service associated with this

rental. It is a basic black rotary phone.

Please end this forced rental process.

I cannot attend your hearings or participate but request that you take

my concerns into consideration. Perhaps there are others with similar


Stan Buhay