From: Woodrow Coward[]

Sent: September 27, 2001 6:25 PM


Subject: Telus proposed Service Improvement Plan

Having lived a total of 16 years of our adult life in isolated communities  in the Yukon Territory and BC ,with restricted communication facilities we offer  comments  concerning the Telus Proposed Service Improvement Plan listed here under.

(a) If the persons residing in isolated communities chose of their own free will to live there because of the many obvious life-style advantages, such persons should  accept the communication restrictions as a normal condition for living in such a community. If they do not wish to do so, and desire improved communication access and their employer or the government does not consider the upgrading sufficiently essential to pay for it, such individuals or TELUS should pay for it.

(b) If the persons living in the isolated  communities (communication wise) do so because that is where their employment is, and their employer considers the employee should have access to an improved communication service then their employer should finance the capital outlay.

(c) If the government considers that persons living in isolated communities should have access to improved communication facilities then the government should pay the capital costs of providing an improved service, with the cost being born in an equitable form by all citizens through normal taxation methods, not just other Telus subscribers. In considering this matter , the government would be well advised to bear in mind that such an investment in infrastructure is frequently essential to development of isolated communities, and that such development is usually a benefit to the entire citizenry and economy of the entire country.

In summary therefore we applaud any action to improve communication to and from isolated communities , but feel strongly that the cost should be born by taxpayers -at-large, BUT NOT BY TELUS SUBSCRIBERS.

The cost should be borne either by the individuals receiving the benefit  if their employer is not prepared to pay the cost , or if the government is not prepared to foot the bill as a benefit to opening  up the area.



Ellen and Woodrow Coward ,

606 522 Moberly Rd,

Vancouver, B.C., V5Z 4G4.

604 222 9104.