From: P & R Fluet[]

Sent: September 10, 2001 11:30 PM



Subject: Rate increases

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to you in light of the recent proposal to remove caps on phone

bills. I think that the amounts one is currently paying for phone service

are already exhorbitant! Currently, for one phone line, call display, and a

answering service, we pay over $40 per month. When you add the at least $25

a month for long distance, even with a package, the prices get that much

higher and out of reach of most Albertans. In 1987, when I first connected

a phone line with Telus, my phone bill was $9.27. How can phone costs have

risen at least 3 times for the same services in 14 years?! Many service

prices are going down, yet Telus continues to raise rates and cut jobs. I

feel it is unfair to increase rates any higher than the current prices and

that there are more cost effective measures that can be taken, rather than

making the customer pay through the nose for a necessary service.


Rebecca Fluet



We could learn a lot from

crayons: some are sharp,

some are pretty, some are dull,

some have weird names, and

all are different colors.... but

they all have to learn to live in

the same box.