From: Don Graham[]

Sent: October 2, 2001 6:36 PM


Subject: Aliant increase

Dear Sir/Madam,


I have enclosed my letter published by the Chronicle Herald/Mail Star back in late August pertaining to the proposed rate increase for rural subscribers.


I am a rural MTT customer. Much of my basic service time is used for Internet dialup access. When I signed up with MTT Sympatico, I was assured that I would attain reasonable connection speeds to the Internet. Reasonable to me is anything between 40 K and 50 K, with 53 K being optimal. I have not been able to connect at anything over 31 K, with 24 to 26 K being the most frequent. Other customers in the area have the same problem. In other words, my Internet  connection speeds are less than half of what they should be. I then found out that the problem stemmed from the poor line quality to my area. This is verified on the Sympatico web site. I cannot receive high speed Internet access where I am except by expensive satellite technology, and would likely not mind an increase if MTT ran new lines so I could get the dialup speed I was promised. MTT is asking for approximately a 20% increase. I say give me the 50% dialup speed increase that I am owed and then we’ll talk. Until then forget it.


Don Graham, Upper Cornwall, Lunenburg Co., NS


For  staff: I can be reached at (902)624-1461 or via email at