From: Peter Jurgen[]

Sent: September 3, 2001 3:48 AM



I quote:( The Service Improvement Plan  is a voluntary program for communities with at least " 10 permanent  residents" )  That could be just TWO tents !!

You should give the guy from Telus a golden OSCAR for coming up with this classic way to elude the recent price cap! A price increase of $3.00 per month for one million customers, comes to 3 million dollars  per month!! Who is going to check if these 10 residents actually got a phone in the first place!

Check this out for Service Improvement, in B.C. we now have to dial the area code  plus the phone number ( ten digits ) to phone the guy next door to me !

My hat is off  to the CRTC , for Canadian content and for keeping the reigns on  our mega  corporations!!

Keep up the good work ! We the consumers are all behind you!



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