From: Will Kriski[]

Sent: September 30, 2001 3:14 PM


Subject: Telus rate increase

I just received notice that Telus is attempting to raise montly rates by

$3 a month up to a max of $35. I find this utterly appalling. I'm sure

they can come up with a good reason , like service improvements, like

when landlords make lease improvements as an excuse to jack up the

rent. The truth is that Telus is a public company and has to increase

its revenues quarterly...they can do this in other ways as they have

with new markets like cell phones, etc. They have also lost market

share with competition from long distance carriers and are trying to

recoup their losses. Please don't give in to corporate demands - make a

stand against the continued and expected increases that we all receive

for everything from phones to cable tv to utilities. It's really

getting tiresome!

Thanks for listening,
