From: Joan Kurth[]

Sent: August 23, 2001 4:44 PM



Subject: Telus - Notice to Customers, Sun. D2 Aug.24/01

Secretary General

CRTC Commission

Ottawa, Ontario K1A ON2


Willie Grieve (Pseudenom I'm Sure)

Vice-President, Regulatory Affairs

Floor 31, 10020 -100 Street

Edmonton, Alberta T5J ON5


Dear Sirs:

Telus does not need to increase prices. Telus' policy of aggressive

corporate telecommunication buy-out suprecedes Telus' dedication to the

basic mandate to provide consumer service. Tell -us better tell us why

they put customers last. Nortel is no tel..... and tell - us better tell

us. Everything.

For example, I am a life-long Telus customer that today has had another

series of disruptions with ADSL service. Sometimes this service is so slow

that I could run faster and carry the message myself.. than these electronic

impulses that I pay good, hard-earned cash to use.

My patience is thinner than the Vancouver Sun's newspaper which conveyed

Telus' Notice to Customers- which I am responding to.

I ask you, CRTC, to inspire Telus to think about lowering their CEO's salary

in lieu of any rate increase. ( approximately $700,000. - 800,000.00

annually give or take - I read.)

I personally am going to institute a class-action lawsuit for the terrible

service that Telus has going for itself.

Get real is all I can say. Pay the customers for having to put up with ADSL


Another thing that I am totally exasperated with is unsolicited pornography

arriving to my computer over these ADSL lines. If I knew how to stop that

from happening - I'd be first in line at the police statiuon or court house.

I think the RCMP should stop this stuff..... It is absolutely amazing - I

have written to MSN / and I want Telus to stop this violation of my rights.

I have the right not to have this garbage.......... STOP IT!

Unsolicited advertising is another thing....... I am scared to read who

wants my left over pennies next. Toyota keeps popping up in my face when I

least expect it, airlines, software packages - and it's a good thing I saw

this advertisement in today's paper.........

Time for the item at the end of the telephone pole to quit supporting out

the whole organization.

Telus - snap on a few filters to filter out garbage. Improve your email

system. It is so bad that you should scrap it too. Your email hardly ever

works. Do you, Mr. Entwistle - use your own commercially available email

system? I don't think so.

You are at "home" running your company - time to report in and take a salary

cut and get the customer service improvements happening. And don't be firing

any people - at least all of the people that I have ever talked to at Telus

have been wonderful, helpful and doing the best that they can in spite of

having no funds left over to look after business..... CEO's are expensive

and so is real estate dining to fatten the Telus name.

Tell us why we should pay more - for unsolicited, offensive title bar

pornography to block and delete? For advertising.......... I've never ever

written or emailed my address to the advertisers that write to me.

Joan Kurth

2, 6456 - i22nd Street

Surrey, B.C. V6G 3B7


P.S. I just have to know - Is Wille Grieve a "real name" for this response?

I'd consider using William Grieve in this campaign.... or, simply W.


Will I grieve an increase. YES!




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