From: Roslyn Ladner[]

Sent: September 25, 2001 2:36 AM


Cc: samodien;; hagar; foerster; fiander

Subject: CRTC Hearing re: increase TELUS rates

Secretary General, CRTC, Ottawa

Willie Grieve, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs, TELUS, Edmonton

TELUS is proposing yet another increase in its telephone rate. TELUS has managed to get more money from its customers by gradually creeping up the cost of the monthly telephone bill by: 1) directly raising monthly base rates, 2) subtly changing the costs of additional services, ie. cost of call waiting / call answer.

I have been a loyal customer of BCTel/TELUS for 30 years. I would change to another carrier if one with a similar established infrastructure were available.

Your notice states that competition exists in some communities. I do not agree that there is any substantial competition in Greater Vancouver for local telephone services. I do agree there is competition for long distance carriers.

I do not see why I need to subsidize other communities without local service. It is the individuals’ choice to live in these types of communities. Furthermore, with the coverage that cell phones, radio phones, and marine phones provide, I question whether local service is necessary in these communities.

I do not agree with TELUS's proposed increase.

Roslyn Ladner, 405 - 1385 Draycott Rd.  North Vancouver, BC  V7J 3K9