From: Michael Lowe[]

Sent: September 28, 2001 6:57 PM



Subject: Proposed rate increase by MTT

I received am insert in my recent telephone bill outlining MTT's proposed rate increase. In it they state that their proposal is to ensure that competition is maintained and encouraged in Canada's healthy, competitive telecommunications market.


As a rural Nova Scotian I am vehemately opposed top this rate increase! Rural Nova Scotians do not have the option of participating in MTT's so called healthy, competitive market.

We do not have the option to select another telephone service provider if we are not happy with MTT. We do not have access to high speed internet service and in many areas we do not even have the option of choosing a different internet provider because of  long distance charges. Now MTT wants to charge us a premium for this lack of service.


In my experience I have found that when purchasing a good or service you usually pay less for the fewer "bells and whistles". I guess MTT wants to be a leader in reversing this trend.