From: Panel Source International[]

Sent: August 30, 2001 4:52 PM


Subject: Telus/ unserved Communities

August 29, 2001


To the CRTC:

As a consumer I would very much like to have a choice as to my provider. We have that now for long distance rates and therefore are no longer held hostage by one company as we were in the past. However, in Alberta we are still it appears held with a gun to our head by Telus... What choice do we have for line service to our homes and business. I would very much like not to have to use Telus but have no choice .  Just as the airline business needs competition so to do we in the  telephone industry. Service improvement fees benefit Telus and their shareholders not the average consumer. I am not in favor of increases for Telus.


Colleen McLeod

Tel: (780) 458.1007

Fax: (780) 419.2345

