
Sent: October 2, 2001 11:30 AM


Subject: Proposed Aliant Increase

To Whom It May Concern,


I would like to add my voice to that of many others opposed to the proposed telephone rate increase for rural customers. I believe this proposal is unjust discrimination. Rural telephone customers are already at a disadvantage and do not have access to many of the services available to urban customers and new technologies are very slow to be available in rural areas (we were forced to have party lines until the late 1980's!). At the present time, our area does not have high speed internet access, cell phone coverage is poor and there relatively few people we can call without long distance charges applying. Many homes are services by older phone lines are in poor shape which result in crackling interference and continuously disconnecting modems. The phones companies make very attempt to upgrade this.


Income levels are generally lower and unemployment higher in many rural communities. Many people, especially those on fixed incomes, can not afford a $5 per month increase in the phone bills. However, the ability to have a phone is even more crucial than in urban areas. Many rural residents, live a significant distance from their nearest neighbour and the phone could represent their only means to obtaining help in an emergency. As well phones allow people to stay connected with relatives and search for jobs and obtain other imporant services.


I believe it is the resposibility of the phone company to plan their budgets around maintaining both rural and urban customers. I do not believe that their claims of increased costs of urban areas is justified and am strongly opposed to their request. 



Jennifer McNeil