From: amercer[]

Sent: September 14, 2001 5:30 PM



Subject: Bell Canada Price Cap Review.

Secretary General, CRTC, Ottawa.

cc: VP-Regulatory Matters, Bell Canada, Hull, PQ.


   This is to register my objection to Bell Canada's proposal for further increases in telephone rates as outlined in a brochure I received from Bell Canada along with my monthly telephone bill.

    Bell Canada seems to be continuously applying for more money and I say enough is enough. My local telephone rates have doubled in the recent past. Bell states in the aforementioned brochure that Canadian prices for basic local service are lower than comparable services in other major industrialized countries. Baloney!  Basic local service in Pompano Beach Florida is half of Bell Canada's current rate! Who are they trying to fool?

    I suggest Bell should get money from other Long Distance carriers in Canada. Let them share part of their profits with Bell if subsidies for local basic service are needed! I sdeem to recall that Bell used the argument that local rates were subsidized from their long distance profits when arguing against implementation of competition. Let's put an end to raising money on the backs of the people. Telephone service is a basic need and should be provided at minimum cost. Let us have a decision favorable to the citizens of Canada, and not in the interests of larger profits by the provider of the service.

    Thank you, Andrew K. Mercer,130 Bartley Bull Parkway, Brampton, Ontario, L6W 2J9.