From: Morris P[]

Sent: October 14, 2001 4:28 PM


Subject: Voicing my concerns to your CRTC office ...


Dear Sir/Madam at the CRTC, Oct. 1, 2001

I am submitting my comments to Telus’ proposed rate

increase by means of Telus’ Service Improvement Plan.

According to Telus’ Notice to Customers of the

following proposed local rate increases of $1,000 per

household up to a maximum of $25,000 per household.

Telus has also proposed to raise rates for local

service by up to $3 per month per year to a maximum

monthly rate of $35 per month for residential

customers. These proposed rate increases came from

Telus as a Notice to Customers.

I am submitting this letter in response to the above

Notice to share my opinion about these proposed rate


I can appreciate that Telus is looking at servicing

unserved communities. Why does a large communications

corporation like Telus need to constantly raise their

rates to fund such a project. Why do they not

surprise their customers with a more creative way of

financing this new project by improving their current

way that they conduct business and become more

efficient to properly compete in the

telecommunications marketplace.

Yes, Telus has competition in the long distance

marketplace which is wonderful for us consumers with

choices and more importantly, a competitive

marketplace. But now Telus is hitting their customers

with an archaeic, old-fashioned rate increase instead

of streamlining and making their corporation more

efficient to compete in this new century.

I am employed by a national cable company in the

internet marketplace. My employer has had to change

their corporate philosophies to compete in a very

competitive internet industry. Now, why can't Telus

forget the rate increases and please this customer and

all their customers with an original 'Notice to

Customers' that are rates are going down.

I feel very strongly that this proposed rate increase

be declined in the best interest of every Canadian tax

payer and every Telus customer in order to give Telus

the message that Telus can generate revenue in other

creative means.

Thank you,

Morris P.



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