From: Robert[]

Sent: October 13, 2001 12:14 AM


Subject: CRTC 2001-37

Secretay General

Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission


Re: CRTC 2001-37


Regarding the TELUS proposed Service Improvement Plan, I completely disagree that existing customers should subsidize in any way the provision of service to unserved areas. This should first be offered to the competetive market to propose alternative business cases to supply some form of communication service to these communities. This could include traditional telephone service, satelite phones, cable systems or anything the market could supply. If no company could produce a viable business case, then it should be determined by the Federal or Provincial government whether they wish to ensure these communities get phone service. If so, the governments should assist with the funding short fall required to make a profitable business case.


Our telephone companies are private, for profit companies which should not be investing money in service areas which could never return revenues to justify the capital expenditure. If governments will not subsidize these unserved communities, then they shouldn't be provided with such a grossly unprofitable service.


Thank You for receiving my comments.


R. E. Owen

1973 - 136st



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