
Sent: October 15, 2001 2:16 PM


Subject: Bell SIP

To Whom It May Concern:

As an individual who has been attempting to secure land line service over

the last year, I was quite interested to review Bell's SIP initiative.

The undertaking seems broad and ambitious. Certainly, it will be welcomed by


In my quick perusal of the document, I noticed that few if any locations

within the Sudbury area are referenced. That may be a reflection of the fact

that the area is already well serviced.

Be that as it may, I may be one of those who is falling through the

"proverbial cracks" in the plan.

When I built my home last year, I was informed by Bell that the cost of

installing a line would fall entirely on me. In the context of Bell''s SIP I

find this somewhat difficult to comprehend.

My residence is myself situated less than one kilometre from the nearest

Bell line customer and only three kilometres from the nearest Bell central


Given the insignificant distances involved, I would like to be considered

for the SIP.

Thank you for the opportunity for comment.


Frank Pagnucco