From: Kellie Penner[]

Sent: September 17, 2001 11:12 AM


Subject: Service Improvement Plan





Good morning. I am a resident of Edmonton, Alberta and have just

received the notice for Telus to participate in a "Service Improvement


Though I would very much like to participate in the teleconference or

the hearing, I am unable to do so. However, as a customer (a not very

happy customer) of Telus I do have comments re the above plan.

I would firstly like to know exactly where these "underserved"

communities are located and why is going to cost citizens already paying

far too much for telephone rates extra money. Telus is constantly

increasing its rates and quite frankly, to me (and my family) this is an

outrage! I (along with several other people) are sick and tired of

Telus, (and other "We-Say-So Companies"), who increase their rates

whenever they feel like it to line the pockets of their upper

management.. Rates continue to rise but service does not. (Neither do


I absolutely reject the idea of Telus being allowed to increase rates,

yet again (using the excuse of servicing "underserved communities my

foot!). We need a second telephone company in order to control these

inexusable rate increases. Quite frankly, I am very tempted to cancell

my land phone with Telus and switch to a cellular phone company for my

telephone doing so, from what I have researched, my

household would save over $120 per year in cancelling Telus.

Apparently, several customers is areas surrounding Edmonton are doing

the same.

Telus is nothing more than a money-hungry pirate who cares more about

fnding ways to gouge and screw people of Alberta out of more money. It

is disgusting and appauling that Telus is allowed to overcharge more and

more each year with unjustified excuses. Telus needs to be closely

regulated. Even better, a new telephone provider needs to be brought

into Alberta I would welcome any other telephone service that could be

provided in my province.

Please stop Telus (or as many refer to them as the telephone terrorists)

from raising their rates yet again and encourage a new telephone service

provider for Alberta residents.

To the CRTC, thank you for your time and consideration.

Kindest Regards,

Kellie Penner

Edmonton Alberta