From: Anthony Perl[]

Sent: September 26, 2001 10:03 PM



Subject: objection to rate increase

Dear Madam or sir,

Please note my objection to the proposed "Service Improvement Plan" whereby

Telus would raise my phone rate to further subsidize rural telephone


If people choose to live in isolated rural communities, they should be

prepared to forego some of the economies of scale that come with life in

more settled areas. This means that those of them desiring telephone

service should have to pay most of the cost of providing it. There are

already cross subsidies built into Telus local phone rates, and I think that

these are quite enough. An additional amount of up to $3 per month at a

time of great economic uncertainty is an unjustified increase in this cross


With satelite phone technology, there are other means to provide

communications access to remote locations that might well be more


I urge you to reject the Telus Service Improvement Plan as described in CRTC

Public Notice CRTC 2001-37.


Anthony Perl

322 12 St. NW

Calgary, Alberta T2N 1Y5



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