From: Heather Reeve[]

Sent: September 16, 2001 1:06 PM


Subject: Telus Service Improvement Plan

To whom it may concern,

Hello, I am a resident of Edmonton, Alberta and I recently received the

information card about the Telus proposal of a Service Improvement Plan with

my phone bill. I am a little concerned about the proposal of the phone

company having the flexibility to raise phone rates in one year from $3.00

up to a monthly maximum of $35.00 per month. At the current date my basic

residential rate is $23.86 per month. I understand that Telus is proposing

to increase service in unserviced areas or to improve upon service, I would

not like to be living without phone service or poor phone service. However,

I am a little concerned about the possibility of my basic phone service

being increased to $35.00 per month. That would be a huge increase in cost

as I am currently in university full time and I work at two jobs to pay my

bills and living costs. One of my jobs is working with home-care, which

means I see alot of people in situations young and old, with fixed incomes

where they must budget down to the last dollar if they want a roof over

their heads. As for myself and others, I see the possibility of paying an

extra eleven dollars a month is a little worrisome. Some people may look at

it as not that much money but over a year that could be over a hundred

dollars extra. I am not proposing that persons without adequate service

should be asked to pay for the whole cost of the changes, but I have to

wonder if there is not another way to provide the service improvements

without extreme price increases. I would be excepting of a price increase

of a few dollars but not up to $35.00 per month. Thank you for allowing

comments and taking the time to read mine. If there are any questions about

my comment please feel free to reply to or phone to



Heather Reeve