From: Paul Rump[]

Sent: September 13, 2001 9:03 AM



Subject: Proposed Increase in Rural Rates


This message is to voice my opposition to the proposed increase in rural

phone rates leading to a differentiation of rural and urban rates.

With such a basic service as the phone, rural and urban residents should

continue to pay the same amount. In any event, rural users are already

penalized by poorer, less complete service. As an example, in our local area

we have access to under 60,000 people before long distance changes start to

apply. A resident of Halifax would have local service access to

approximately 6 times this population. It is my view, that the local phone

rate areas in Nova Scotia should be enlarged to reduce such discrepancies in

service, while keeping rural and urban charges to their current level

through efficiency gains within the telephone company.


Paul Rump and Sheila Mason