
Sent: September 25, 2001 3:34 PM



Subject: proposed Service Improvement Plan

To the Secretary General, CRTC

cc: Willie Grieve, Telus


I wish to make it known that we DO NOT SUPPORT this proposed increase for

subsidizing unserved commnities, or upgrading in some areas.

Though Telus proposes to raise rates by up to $3 per month per year, we can

not afford this. Both of us are limited by our Disability status income.

Our monthly phone bill is $35 for the basic service. ($25.76 for basic

residential line; and about $9 for other charges such as directory listing

and voice mail). Our limited budget reflects this and cannot be stretched

any further! We have long disctance services from another provider as they

offer better rates than Telus.

We propose that an ammendment be made where by users are PRORATED based on

their monthly Telus phone bill. Those with larger bills can pay the full $3

per month. Those with no charges beyond the basic service ($25) would pay no

additional fee.

We realize that smaller, more remote communities do not have easy access to

"basic services". That is why they are living there! They have opted out of

standard community living arrangements. They chose to live there. If they

require upgraded phone services they can move closer to a larger centre. Or

pay for the right to live there.


Thank you for taking the time to hear our opinion.



Michael Saya

Kevin Saya-Moore

Vancouver, B.C.

We do not support their choice of life style.