From: Lyle Tremblay[]

Sent: September 6, 2001 12:48 PM



Subject: Rate hike

To whom it may concern:


I am dead set against the proposed rate hikes by TELUS.  Currently, there is no alternative for me but to subscribe to Telus for my telephone service.  I resent not having a choice in the matter.  In effect I have a monopolistic utility company dictating to me what the rates will be.  Or else I can cancel my service.  Some choice.  This is a bad move on the part of TELUS.  What the hell have they been doing with the money they have been raking in for years?  Where in a free competitive market can a company force their customers to pay directly for the cost of upgrading and/or expansion and/or the price of goods & services?   It doesn't happen.  A company in a free competitive marketplace has to budget, plan, save and be very careful that the price they charge for their goods & services do not exceed what the market will bear.  Of course in this case, they have an almost captive market and can do whatever they please.   And our government (which in all liklihood will rubberstamp the process) is supposed to be protecting us?  This is akin to extortion.  Adam Smith would probably agree.


Lyle Tremblay

A disappointed customer who has now DEFINITELY had it and will be looking for any viable competitor to TELUS.