From: Shabina Ali[]

Sent: September 25, 2001 12:16 PM


Subject: Price Cap Review

I am writing to enter my protest against the changing of Price Cap laws, and the Related Issues as in " Public Notice CRTC 2001-37".  I do not feel it is fair to be able to expand to smaller service areas at the expense of the rest of the phone users. The users already support the system, and expecting them to pick up the tab for the loses encured by intalling lines and services to smaller areas, is utterly poposterous. Its not fair because the costs far exceed any revenue they could expect to retrieve, and the costs of installation will never be paid for.  Its not fair to expect me to pay more so I can support phone users who can't pay their fair share of their bill.  I may have to support these users for the rest of my life, and to what gain? I benifit in no way from this. The costs should be taken out of the Phone companies profits. If they wish to expand, then they should cover the cost. Its not fair to garantee the Phone Company its profits, by passing all its overhead to the consumer.  They should have to take a lone like everyone else, then pay the lone out of their profits, not mine!  Out lying areas have other alternatives, that are much cheaper. They can use cellular, and at a cost almost the same as basic phone service. The difference is , they could afford this themselves. I wouldn't have to support them.  My phone bills have sky rocketed to levels that can't be justified, and I don't feel it is fair to suck me dry some more. Tell the Phone Companies to pick up their own tab. If they raise my bill, they will lose my business, and my internet business.               Extremely Distraught !  Michael Smith