From: Nick Sobol[]

Reply To: Nick Sobol

Sent: August 30, 2001 11:06 AM


Subject: Aliant Telcom

As a rural citizen of Nova Scotia I find it appaling that a very profitable company can unjustifiably raise rates just because they can. To start with the service to rural communities is far from ideal. The fact that they are a monopoly seems to give them a license to charge what they want without government interference. Bell Canada, Aliant's parent firm once stated to the CRTC that a phone company should recoverits costs "from the totality of its services, not from any particular service". If this is their thinking then how can they justify a rural rate increase. Most rural people can't afford any more increases. Please help us.

Nick Sobol

Northside East Bay

Nova Scotia



Nick Sobol  

Serials Technician

University College of Cape Breton

P.O. Box 5300

Sydney, Nova Scotia

B1P 6L2



Voice:  (902)  563-1675

Fax:     (902)  563-1177