From: Randy Stuppard[]

Sent: September 24, 2001 6:52 PM



<<File: bar13.gif>> <<File: sterling_small.gif>> <<File: TNA_logo_edited_small.gif>>

With respect to the Notice to Customers enclosed in our latest billing regarding the Telus Service Improvement Plan. It is good for Telus to be looking at improving their service to unserved communities. But these services must be paid for by the residents in those areas. A choice to live in secluded areas is a lifestyle, but with any lifestyle choice, there are pros and cons. And one con is the lack of telecomm choices.


If the provisioning of these services cannot be paid for by those that live in the area, then the business case shows that these services cannot be provided. If the project is viable it should be able to "stand on its own". Subsidizing by the government or by any other means is not an option.


Since Telus will be the recipient of the revenue, and if they feel that they wish to proceed with respect to this project, then they should also put up the capital for this venture. The public should not have to finance this project unless the revenues will be shared with the public.


Thank-you for your consideration in this matter.


Yours very truly,

Randy Stuppard




Randy Stuppard


P: 604.806.0400 x 200

F: 604.806.0404

Toll Free: 1.866.746.6364



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