From: Mike Swallow[]

Sent: August 30, 2001 3:32 AM


Subject: price cap review and related issues

regarding Telus corp and their impending attempt to have existing

customers pay for service extension and upgrades to areas with limited

or no service price cap review and related issues, CRTC 2001-37), my

comments are as follows; Telus has a monopoly on basic phone service in

this country. If this corporation wants to extend it's service to new

areas, to further spread it's monopoly and to increase it's profit

margin (I sincerely doubt that Telus is doing this out of the goodness

of it's corporate heart), the company can bloody well pay for this

extension itself. Why should existing customers who have no other option

than to deal with Telus. This proposal is ludicrous, unfair and a

blatant attempt at squeezing additional fees from canadians who have no

other choice for phone service.


Michael Swallow