From: Eleanor Toews[]

Sent: September 20, 2001 2:19 PM



Subject: residential telephone rate increases

Secretary General



I was incensed when I read about Telus wanting to enrich their empire by

this new money grab.

There are several points which I would like you to consider:

1. People on fixed incomes do not have the resources to put into such a


2. I very much doubt that individuals in the "underserved" communities have

been asked whether they wish to participate in this scheme. (Doubtless, the

idea that others would pay most of the cost might be appealing.)

3. Do they need these "improvements" to survive econpomically, or is this a

frill? It seems like it would be cheaper/ more cost effective for these

people to move to better served communities.

4. Should telus be allowed to issue this new tax, supposedly for the

betterment of the citizens?

5. If there is a communications need in some areas, is there a less

expensive way to meet those needs?

Please do not let telus bamboozle us into enriching their private empire

using a do-gooder strategy.

Eleanor Toews