From: Dale Tysick[]

Sent: September 25, 2001 12:20 AM


Subject: Rate increase for local telephone service by Telus

Dear Secretary General:


I would like to express my objections to the proposed increase in local phone service by Telus. Since I moved back from British Columbia in 1995, I have seen my monthly local phone bill increase from approximately $9.00 + GST per month to the current     bill of $23.86 + $1.67 GSt. that is a increase of 2.65 fold, more that doubled. Telus is now going to ask for an additional increase to top out at approximately $35.00, when is this nonsense going to end!!!! My salary has went up approximately 8.6% in the same period, local telephone rate increases are getting out of hand. A phone will soon be a luxury which only the rich and upper middle class can afford.


Telus has made many expensive acquisitions in the last 2 years, the largest being the $6.6 billion acquistion of Cantel. They recently floated a $10 billion corporate bond to help finance their overpriced expansion. Why should we, the paying public, be held captive to subsidize Telus's recent expansion spree. Just because their cellular customer base in the east isn't increasing according to plan, the captive customer (we small smucks) shouldn't be forced to pay for the corporate strategic blunders. 


Do your job and tell these large telephone companies that they have to learn to manage their corporate finanacial affairs better!!


The trough is nearly dry, time to make the big telephone companies realize that they can't get rate increases whenever they want!! Then and only then will they start to exercise some fiscal restraint and get their finances and balance sheets in order!!


Yours truly


Dale L. Tysick, CGA, MBA   

9515 - 74 Street

Edmonton, Alberta

T6B 2B7