From: Omer Vautour[]

Sent: September 3, 2001 4:38 AM



Subject: CRTC public notice

To whom it may concern,


 This letter is in regards to the recent notice we had in our last TELUS bill regarding extended service to unserved communities and upgrade service in communities with a lower grade if service.


I am writing to express my opinion regarding this notice. I really think it unfair to charge us for service for these communities. These people have chosen that community and they are responsible for the bills incurred in that area. If they have chosen a remote area then they must deal with the high costs of groceries, phone connections, etc. Usually when someone lives in a remote area they are compensated for that in their salary. I understand they would be responsible for some of the extra expense but that we would be responsible for some of it too. Why? It makes you more money, it satisfies those customers--but it makes me angry that I have to tow the line for someone else. I don't mind helping the 911 line, I don't even mind paying my taxes because I use those services but to pay for someone elses phone line---!!!!

I am not a person who has no feeling for others. I give over 10% of my income to charity and am the first to volunteer if there is a need that I can help with. I give to the food bank  and on occasion give blood. I don't think you can say that I don't care about my community or those around us.

TELUS and the CRTC have money and if they decide they want to improve service they need to do it on their own backs not mine! TELUS is a business  and just like any other business they are responsible to make decisions for their customers that will provide them with service and keep them happy.

Unfortunately  you are the only game in town and you know it--if I want phone service I can only go to you.


 Sincerely, Marie Vautour