From: Gary Voit[]

Reply To: Gary Voit

Sent: August 24, 2001 12:30 PM



Subject: CRTC proceeding / price regulation

Att: Secretary General

Canadian Radio-Television and telecommunication Commission

Ottawa, Ontario


Willie Grieve

Vice President, Regulatory Affairs


Edmonton, Alberta


Re: TELUS Notice to Customers, North Shore News, August 22, 2001




The requested by TELUS "flexibility to raise rates for local services" to "a maximum monthly rate of $35 per month" is ABSOLUTELY INADMISSIBLE!


With the current rate in Vancouver around $24 per month it means an increase of about 45% !


It is nothing else as a classical "rip off" by a monopolist that does not have a competitor in the service provided.


This must not be allowed!


If TELUS wants to have more customers (and revenue !) by extending its network into the high-cost / unserved areas, it has to use its own sources for business expansion as any legitimate business, but now make existing customers, who do not have choice and have to use its service, to pay for it !!!


I believe this my opinion is being supported by absolute majority of population and hope this TELUS's "rip off" plan will not be approved.




Gary Voitenkov
