From: Todd & Connie Wallace[]

Sent: October 2, 2001 11:17 AM


Subject: Telus rate cap.

As a Telus-AB consumer.  I feel the monthly fee for "personal/local telephone" service is high!  I would hope that the CRTC would not allow the company (Telus-AB) to increase rates.   The monthly rate of $27.81 for a residential line is more than enough.  For most people these days a phone is a necessity and should be affordable for all.   If these rates are allowed to increase, I feel that this may force some people to discontinue telephone service.  This would not only affect these individuals but in the long term would also effect pricing to other telephone customers.  

As a shareholder of large companies, I understand the dollar & cents aspect for these large companies.  I  however would prefer that all have access to affordable basic telephone service!

I have no problems with the long distance or internet rates. I find these to be very competitive.

As a former Telus-BC consumer, I find the Alberta rates are higher  by $5. and are no different in service. 

In fact, I have not been able to get a telephone book for our area, as they are on back order.

I thank you for allowing me to voice my concerns and opinion.



Connie Wallace

Box 245

Morrin, AB

T0J 2B0
