From: edward j.watt[]

Sent: August 23, 2001 12:15 PM


Subject: Aliant Telecom

Sir / Madame: I find this request for a rural increase in a basic rate

telephone raise most unnecessary and hypocritical . I would be affected

by this outrageous demand, as I live in a rural area. In today's

Chronicle Herald newspaper ( Halifax ), Aliant uses one excuse as using

a Helicopter to service one of it's Microwave towers. This may be so

but, the profits it gains each year from the present rate it charges I

think is more than enough to cover this expense. Like other Companies

looking to increase their bottom line I think is nothing but a big "Con

Game " and to descriminate against the rural areas of this Province and

give the Businesses in the Major Cities a break from a rate increase at

our expense. I vote a definite "NO!" for a basic rate increase to

$29.95 by Aliant Telecom. I am hoping that the CRTC finds wisdom in the

negative responses I am sure you will receive from other rural Residents

in refusing Aliant Telecom this unnecessary increase.

Thank You. Edward J.Watt. Upper Tantallon , Nova Scotia.