From: audrey & terry[SMTP:a&]

Sent: September 21, 2001 11:57 AM



Subject: Public Notice CRTC2001-37

I wish to speak against this proposal - particularly in regard  to the Service Improvement Plan being paid for by a subsidy from myself and other customers.

The cost of having telephone service has been increased a number of times in recent years.   As a pensoner I am finding these constant increases very difficult to cope with.   The fact that we are (in B.C.) in a recession makes the timing of this proposal ridiculous to my mind.

Telus is a business and should NOT be relying on customers to subsidise their activities .  

Whilst I do'nt pretend to be familiar with details of this proposal I do hope at the very least if not rejected that it would be deferred until our economy is back to a more positive level.

Thank you,

Terry Wells