From: Bill White[]

Sent: September 21, 2001 4:57 PM


Subject: Aliant proposed rural rate increase

Aliant Telcom proposes to increase rural rates. This is completely wrong, as rural Nova Scotians suffer from some of the poorest telephone technology in Canada. Not only are many lines fuzzy, there is very poor internet connection speed. The Baud rate in rural Kings County is very poor, and Aliant has made no plans to improve the service. To then have the gall to suggest that they need a rate increase is wrong. Our rail service is gone, our highways are deteriorating, air service is drastically curtailed (even before the N.Y. attacks) our mail service is only fair, and now Aliant wants to disenfranchise us even more.

 Please do not allow the rate increase.




William H. White

RR # 2, Canning, NS


902 582-1258