From: yung[]

Sent: September 17, 2001 12:57 PM



Subject: Subsidy to unserved and underserved communities

I want to register my opposition to any subsidy to unserved and underserved

communities to a maximum of $25,000 per household and to underserved

communities for the full amount of $26,000 per household.

It is presumed that this will be raised by levying a monthly increase in

local rates from $3 to $35 per month on current users.

My objection specifically is based on four points.

1. Unserved and underserved communities have access to cell

phones. Infrastructure facilities for cell phones are either currently in

place or their establishment cost less than line facilities.

2. Imposition of an increase in local rates from $3 to $35/m in perpetuity

is a windfall profit to Telus without any sound rationale.

3. The Local service provider is a monopoly. There is no competition,

resulting in high cost but no competitive increase in efficiency.

4. Subsidies to areas or industries are by their nature

anti-competitive. In international trade, it invites counter vailing

duties. In this instance, it does not deserve support.