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Committees House of Commons
Picture of a typical Committee meeting room
Standing Committee on Agriculture and Agri-Food (AGRI)
Select a Session:
39th Parliament
1st 03/04/2006
38th Parliament
1st 04/10/2004-29/11/2005
37th Parliament
3rd 02/02/2004-23/05/2004
2nd 30/09/2002-12/11/2003
1st 29/01/2001-16/09/2002
36th Parliament
2nd 12/10/1999-22/10/2000
1st 22/09/1997-18/09/1999
35th Parliament
2nd 27/02/1996-27/04/1997
1st 17/01/1994-02/02/1996
Meetings by Study/Activity
A link to one of 3 Committee meeting documents, being the Notice, the Minutes or the Evidence - Opens a new windowDocument (Link)The Notice of Meeting was modifiedModifiedThe document is not yet availableNot AvailableThe Committee is travelling for this meetingTravelling
The Committee meeting is 'in camera' (closed to the public)In-CameraCommittee meeting is televisedTelevisedA link provided by ParlVu, to view the Committee meeting through streaming video on the Internet - Opens a new windowWebcast (Link)The Committee meeting was cancelledCancelled

Notices of all Committee Meetings

Table of Contents
  • Avian Flu - follow-up of the fact-finding mission to Abbotsford
  • Bill C-27, An Act to regulate and prohibit certain activities related to food and other products to which the Acts under the administration of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency apply and to provide for the administration and enforcement of those Acts and to amend other Acts in consequence
  • Bill C-40, An Act to amend the Canada Grain Act and the Canada Transportation Act
  • Bill S-38, An Act respecting the implementation of international trade commitments by Canada regarding spirit drinks of foreign countries
  • Briefing on Avian Flu
  • Briefing on dairy terms labelling
  • Briefing on issues related to Agricore United and the Competition Bureau regarding the ownership of a terminal elevator in the Port of Vancouver
  • Briefing on the marketing of canola in Ontario and the acquisition of Better Beef by Cargill Ltd.
  • Briefing session on Farm Credit Canada Activities and the BSE Crisis, and Other Farm Income Issues
  • Briefing session on grain testing and inspection, and the WTO ruling on the treatment of foreign grain
  • Briefing session on regionalization of agriculture health practices
  • Canadian Agricultural Income Stabilization (CAIS) Program and other farm income issues
  • Certificate of nomination of Adrian Measner to the position of President of the Canadian Wheat Board
  • Certificate of nomination of John Core to the position of Chairman of the Canadian Dairy Commission
  • Certificate of nomination of John J. Ryan to the position of President of Farm Credit Canada
  • Committee Business
  • Corn Imports from the United States
  • Election of Chair
  • Excise duty relief for Canada's wine sector
  • Grain Transportation: The Hopper Car Fleet
  • Main Estimates 2004-2005: Votes 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, and 40 under Agriculture and Agri-Food
  • Main Estimates 2005-2006, Votes 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40 and Report on Plans and Priorities under AGRICULTURE AND AGRI-FOOD
  • Review of the activities of the Pest Management Regulatory Agency during the past six months
  • Riding Mountain National Park Bovine tuberculosis monitoring and eradication programs
  • Study of animal health
  • Study of the pricing of beef at the slaughter, wholesale and retail levels, in the context of the BSE crisis in Canada
  • Study of the strategy for repositioning the livestock industry
  • Technical briefing: Measures of farm income
  • World Food Supply

    Avian Flu - follow-up of the fact-finding mission to Abbotsford

    Upcoming Meetings
    This session has now ended. For information about committees and their work during the session, please use the links to the left of the screen.

    Information about committees and their work in the current session can be found by clicking on 39th Parliament, 1st Session.

    Past Meetings
    Index Of Proceedings
    Meeting InformationMinutesEvidence
    Meeting 34
    April 14, 2005
    10:11 - 11:34
    The Minutes of meeting 34 for AGRI - April 14, 2005 - Opens a new windowThe Committee meeting is 'in camera' (closed to the public)
    Meeting 32
    April 7, 2005
    15:33 - 17:14
    The Minutes of meeting 32 for AGRI - April 7, 2005 - Opens a new windowThe Evidence of meeting 32 for AGRI - April 7, 2005 - Opens a new window
    Meeting 21
    February 8, 2005
    15:31 - 17:20
    The Minutes of meeting 21 for AGRI - February 8, 2005 - Opens a new windowThe Evidence of meeting 21 for AGRI - February 8, 2005 - Opens a new window
    Table of Contents

    Bill C-27, An Act to regulate and prohibit certain activities related to food and other products to which the Acts under the administration of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency apply and to provide for the administration and enforcement of those Acts and to amend other Acts in consequence

    Upcoming Meetings
    This session has now ended. For information about committees and their work during the session, please use the links to the left of the screen.

    Information about committees and their work in the current session can be found by clicking on 39th Parliament, 1st Session.

    Past Meetings
    Index Of Proceedings
    Meeting InformationMinutesEvidence
    Meeting 52
    June 21, 2005
    15:30 - 16:29
    The Minutes of meeting 52 for AGRI - June 21, 2005 - Opens a new windowThe Evidence of meeting 52 for AGRI - June 21, 2005 - Opens a new window
    Meeting 50
    June 14, 2005
    15:30 - 17:23
    The Minutes of meeting 50 for AGRI - June 14, 2005 - Opens a new windowThe Evidence of meeting 50 for AGRI - June 14, 2005 - Opens a new window
    Meeting 49
    June 14, 2005
    10:04 - 13:51
    The Minutes of meeting 49 for AGRI - June 14, 2005 - Opens a new windowThe Evidence of meeting 49 for AGRI - June 14, 2005 - Opens a new window
    Meeting 46
    June 2, 2005
    15:15 - 16:49
    The Minutes of meeting 46 for AGRI - June 2, 2005 - Opens a new windowThe Evidence of meeting 46 for AGRI - June 2, 2005 - Opens a new window
    Meeting 45
    June 1st, 2005
    15:32 - 17:25
    The Minutes of meeting 45 for AGRI - June 1st, 2005 - Opens a new windowThe Evidence of meeting 45 for AGRI - June 1st, 2005 - Opens a new window
    Meeting 44
    May 31, 2005
    15:30 - 17:24
    The Minutes of meeting 44 for AGRI - May 31, 2005 - Opens a new windowThe Evidence of meeting 44 for AGRI - May 31, 2005 - Opens a new window
    Meeting 43
    May 19, 2005
    15:34 - 17:00
    The Minutes of meeting 43 for AGRI - May 19, 2005 - Opens a new windowThe Evidence of meeting 43 for AGRI - May 19, 2005 - Opens a new window
    Meeting 40
    May 5, 2005
    15:38 - 17:27
    The Minutes of meeting 40 for AGRI - May 5, 2005 - Opens a new windowThe Evidence of meeting 40 for AGRI - May 5, 2005 - Opens a new window
    Meeting 38
    May 3, 2005
    15:33 - 17:31
    The Minutes of meeting 38 for AGRI - May 3, 2005 - Opens a new windowThe Evidence of meeting 38 for AGRI - May 3, 2005 - Opens a new window
    Meeting 37
    April 21, 2005
    15:36 - 17:22
    The Minutes of meeting 37 for AGRI - April 21, 2005 - Opens a new windowThe Evidence of meeting 37 for AGRI - April 21, 2005 - Opens a new window
    Meeting 36
    April 19, 2005
    15:31 - 17:28
    The Minutes of meeting 36 for AGRI - April 19, 2005 - Opens a new windowThe Evidence of meeting 36 for AGRI - April 19, 2005 - Opens a new window
    Meeting 35
    April 14, 2005
    15:37 - 17:29
    The Minutes of meeting 35 for AGRI - April 14, 2005 - Opens a new windowThe Evidence of meeting 35 for AGRI - April 14, 2005 - Opens a new window
    Meeting 33
    April 12, 2005
    15:32 - 17:31
    The Minutes of meeting 33 for AGRI - April 12, 2005 - Opens a new windowThe Evidence of meeting 33 for AGRI - April 12, 2005 - Opens a new window
    Meeting 32
    April 7, 2005
    15:33 - 17:14
    The Minutes of meeting 32 for AGRI - April 7, 2005 - Opens a new windowThe Evidence of meeting 32 for AGRI - April 7, 2005 - Opens a new window
    Meeting 31
    April 5, 2005
    15:35 - 17:29
    The Minutes of meeting 31 for AGRI - April 5, 2005 - Opens a new windowThe Evidence of meeting 31 for AGRI - April 5, 2005 - Opens a new window
    Meeting 30
    March 24, 2005
    15:32 - 17:25
    The Minutes of meeting 30 for AGRI - March 24, 2005 - Opens a new windowThe Evidence of meeting 30 for AGRI - March 24, 2005 - Opens a new window
    Meeting 29
    March 22, 2005
    15:28 - 17:25
    The Minutes of meeting 29 for AGRI - March 22, 2005 - Opens a new windowThe Evidence of meeting 29 for AGRI - March 22, 2005 - Opens a new window
    Meeting 24
    February 17, 2005
    15:34 - 17:06
    The Minutes of meeting 24 for AGRI - February 17, 2005 - Opens a new windowThe Evidence of meeting 24 for AGRI - February 17, 2005 - Opens a new window
    Meeting 23
    February 15, 2005
    15:31 - 17:19
    The Minutes of meeting 23 for AGRI - February 15, 2005 - Opens a new windowThe Evidence of meeting 23 for AGRI - February 15, 2005 - Opens a new window
    Meeting 22
    February 10, 2005
    15:33 - 17:24
    The Minutes of meeting 22 for AGRI - February 10, 2005 - Opens a new windowThe Evidence of meeting 22 for AGRI - February 10, 2005 - Opens a new window
    Table of Contents

    Bill C-40, An Act to amend the Canada Grain Act and the Canada Transportation Act

    Upcoming Meetings
    This session has now ended. For information about committees and their work during the session, please use the links to the left of the screen.

    Information about committees and their work in the current session can be found by clicking on 39th Parliament, 1st Session.

    Past Meetings
    Index Of Proceedings
    Meeting InformationMinutesEvidence
    Meeting 41
    May 10, 2005
    15:33 - 16:35
    The Minutes of meeting 41 for AGRI - May 10, 2005 - Opens a new windowThe Evidence of meeting 41 for AGRI - May 10, 2005 - Opens a new window
    Meeting 39
    May 4, 2005
    15:35 - 17:39
    The Minutes of meeting 39 for AGRI - May 4, 2005 - Opens a new windowThe Evidence of meeting 39 for AGRI - May 4, 2005 - Opens a new window
    Table of Contents

    Bill S-38, An Act respecting the implementation of international trade commitments by Canada regarding spirit drinks of foreign countries

    Upcoming Meetings
    This session has now ended. For information about committees and their work during the session, please use the links to the left of the screen.

    Information about committees and their work in the current session can be found by clicking on 39th Parliament, 1st Session.

    Past Meetings
    Index Of Proceedings
    Meeting InformationMinutesEvidence
    Meeting 60
    October 27, 2005
    09:03 - 10:50
    The Minutes of meeting 60 for AGRI - October 27, 2005 - Opens a new windowThe Evidence of meeting 60 for AGRI - October 27, 2005 - Opens a new window
    Table of Contents

    Briefing on Avian Flu

    Upcoming Meetings
    This session has now ended. For information about committees and their work during the session, please use the links to the left of the screen.

    Information about committees and their work in the current session can be found by clicking on 39th Parliament, 1st Session.

    Past Meetings
    Index Of Proceedings
    Meeting InformationMinutesEvidence
    Meeting 64
    November 16, 2005
    15:32 - 17:33
    The Minutes of meeting 64 for AGRI - November 16, 2005 - Opens a new windowThe Evidence of meeting 64 for AGRI - November 16, 2005 - Opens a new window
    Meeting 63
    November 14, 2005
    15:29 - 17:29
    The Minutes of meeting 63 for AGRI - November 14, 2005 - Opens a new windowThe Evidence of meeting 63 for AGRI - November 14, 2005 - Opens a new window
    Table of Contents

    Briefing on dairy terms labelling

    Upcoming Meetings
    This session has now ended. For information about committees and their work during the session, please use the links to the left of the screen.

    Information about committees and their work in the current session can be found by clicking on 39th Parliament, 1st Session.

    Past Meetings
    Index Of Proceedings
    Meeting InformationMinutesEvidence
    Meeting 56
    October 17, 2005
    15:35 - 17:18
    The Minutes of meeting 56 for AGRI - October 17, 2005 - Opens a new windowThe Evidence of meeting 56 for AGRI - October 17, 2005 - Opens a new window
    Table of Contents

    Briefing on issues related to Agricore United and the Competition Bureau regarding the ownership of a terminal elevator in the Port of Vancouver

    Upcoming Meetings
    This session has now ended. For information about committees and their work during the session, please use the links to the left of the screen.

    Information about committees and their work in the current session can be found by clicking on 39th Parliament, 1st Session.

    Past Meetings
    Index Of Proceedings
    Meeting InformationMinutesEvidence
    Meeting 66
    November 23, 2005
    16:30 - 17:27
    The Minutes of meeting 66 for AGRI - November 23, 2005 - Opens a new windowThe Evidence of meeting 66 for AGRI - November 23, 2005 - Opens a new window
    Table of Contents

    Briefing on the marketing of canola in Ontario and the acquisition of Better Beef by Cargill Ltd.

    Upcoming Meetings
    This session has now ended. For information about committees and their work during the session, please use the links to the left of the screen.

    Information about committees and their work in the current session can be found by clicking on 39th Parliament, 1st Session.

    Past Meetings
    Index Of Proceedings
    Meeting InformationMinutesEvidence
    Meeting 65
    November 21, 2005
    15:30 - 18:32
    The Minutes of meeting 65 for AGRI - November 21, 2005 - Opens a new windowThe Evidence of meeting 65 for AGRI - November 21, 2005 - Opens a new window
    Table of Contents

    Briefing session on Farm Credit Canada Activities and the BSE Crisis, and Other Farm Income Issues

    Upcoming Meetings
    This session has now ended. For information about committees and their work during the session, please use the links to the left of the screen.

    Information about committees and their work in the current session can be found by clicking on 39th Parliament, 1st Session.

    Past Meetings
    Index Of Proceedings
    Meeting InformationMinutesEvidence
    Meeting 28
    March 10, 2005
    15:31 - 17:06
    The Minutes of meeting 28 for AGRI - March 10, 2005 - Opens a new windowThe Evidence of meeting 28 for AGRI - March 10, 2005 - Opens a new window
    Table of Contents

    Briefing session on grain testing and inspection, and the WTO ruling on the treatment of foreign grain

    Upcoming Meetings
    This session has now ended. For information about committees and their work during the session, please use the links to the left of the screen.

    Information about committees and their work in the current session can be found by clicking on 39th Parliament, 1st Session.

    Past Meetings
    Index Of Proceedings
    Meeting InformationMinutesEvidence
    Meeting 26
    February 24, 2005
    15:33 - 17:16
    The Minutes of meeting 26 for AGRI - February 24, 2005 - Opens a new windowThe Evidence of meeting 26 for AGRI - February 24, 2005 - Opens a new window
    Table of Contents

    Briefing session on regionalization of agriculture health practices

    Upcoming Meetings
    This session has now ended. For information about committees and their work during the session, please use the links to the left of the screen.

    Information about committees and their work in the current session can be found by clicking on 39th Parliament, 1st Session.

    Past Meetings
    Index Of Proceedings
    Meeting InformationMinutesEvidence
    Meeting 48
    June 9, 2005
    15:29 - 16:50
    The Minutes of meeting 48 for AGRI - June 9, 2005 - Opens a new windowThe Evidence of meeting 48 for AGRI - June 9, 2005 - Opens a new window
    Table of Contents

    Canadian Agricultural Income Stabilization (CAIS) Program and other farm income issues

    Upcoming Meetings
    This session has now ended. For information about committees and their work during the session, please use the links to the left of the screen.

    Information about committees and their work in the current session can be found by clicking on 39th Parliament, 1st Session.

    Past Meetings
    Index Of Proceedings
    Meeting InformationMinutesEvidence
    Meeting 62
    November 2, 2005
    15:37 - 17:27
    The Minutes of meeting 62 for AGRI - November 2, 2005 - Opens a new windowThe Evidence of meeting 62 for AGRI - November 2, 2005 - Opens a new window
    Meeting 47
    June 7, 2005
    15:26 - 17:11
    The Minutes of meeting 47 for AGRI - June 7, 2005 - Opens a new windowThe Evidence of meeting 47 for AGRI - June 7, 2005 - Opens a new window
    Meeting 27
    March 8, 2005
    15:32 - 17:18
    The Minutes of meeting 27 for AGRI - March 8, 2005 - Opens a new windowThe Evidence of meeting 27 for AGRI - March 8, 2005 - Opens a new window
    Meeting 25
    February 22, 2005
    15:35 - 17:25
    The Minutes of meeting 25 for AGRI - February 22, 2005 - Opens a new windowThe Evidence of meeting 25 for AGRI - February 22, 2005 - Opens a new window
    Table of Contents

    Certificate of nomination of Adrian Measner to the position of President of the Canadian Wheat Board

    Upcoming Meetings
    This session has now ended. For information about committees and their work during the session, please use the links to the left of the screen.

    Information about committees and their work in the current session can be found by clicking on 39th Parliament, 1st Session.

    Past Meetings
    Index Of Proceedings
    Meeting InformationMinutesEvidence
    Meeting 65
    November 21, 2005
    15:30 - 18:32
    The Minutes of meeting 65 for AGRI - November 21, 2005 - Opens a new windowThe Evidence of meeting 65 for AGRI - November 21, 2005 - Opens a new window
    Table of Contents

    Certificate of nomination of John Core to the position of Chairman of the Canadian Dairy Commission

    Upcoming Meetings
    This session has now ended. For information about committees and their work during the session, please use the links to the left of the screen.

    Information about committees and their work in the current session can be found by clicking on 39th Parliament, 1st Session.

    Past Meetings
    Index Of Proceedings
    Meeting InformationMinutesEvidence
    Meeting 62
    November 2, 2005
    15:37 - 17:27
    The Minutes of meeting 62 for AGRI - November 2, 2005 - Opens a new windowThe Evidence of meeting 62 for AGRI - November 2, 2005 - Opens a new window
    Table of Contents

    Certificate of nomination of John J. Ryan to the position of President of Farm Credit Canada

    Upcoming Meetings
    This session has now ended. For information about committees and their work during the session, please use the links to the left of the screen.

    Information about committees and their work in the current session can be found by clicking on 39th Parliament, 1st Session.

    Past Meetings
    Index Of Proceedings
    Meeting InformationMinutesEvidence
    Meeting 65
    November 21, 2005
    15:30 - 18:32
    The Minutes of meeting 65 for AGRI - November 21, 2005 - Opens a new windowThe Evidence of meeting 65 for AGRI - November 21, 2005 - Opens a new window
    Table of Contents

    Committee Business

    Upcoming Meetings
    This session has now ended. For information about committees and their work during the session, please use the links to the left of the screen.

    Information about committees and their work in the current session can be found by clicking on 39th Parliament, 1st Session.

    Past Meetings
    Index Of Proceedings
    Meeting InformationMinutesEvidence
    Meeting 65
    November 21, 2005
    15:30 - 18:32
    The Minutes of meeting 65 for AGRI - November 21, 2005 - Opens a new windowThe Evidence of meeting 65 for AGRI - November 21, 2005 - Opens a new window
    Meeting 54
    September 28, 2005
    15:38 - 17:16
    The Minutes of meeting 54 for AGRI - September 28, 2005 - Opens a new windowThe Committee meeting is 'in camera' (closed to the public)
    Meeting 51
    June 16, 2005
    15:42 - 17:20
    The Minutes of meeting 51 for AGRI - June 16, 2005 - Opens a new windowThe Evidence of meeting 51 for AGRI - June 16, 2005 - Opens a new window
    Meeting 43
    May 19, 2005
    15:34 - 17:00
    The Minutes of meeting 43 for AGRI - May 19, 2005 - Opens a new windowThe Evidence of meeting 43 for AGRI - May 19, 2005 - Opens a new window
    Meeting 42
    May 17, 2005
    15:29 - 17:31
    The Minutes of meeting 42 for AGRI - May 17, 2005 - Opens a new windowThe Evidence of meeting 42 for AGRI - May 17, 2005 - Opens a new window
    Meeting 41
    May 10, 2005
    15:33 - 16:35
    The Minutes of meeting 41 for AGRI - May 10, 2005 - Opens a new windowThe Evidence of meeting 41 for AGRI - May 10, 2005 - Opens a new window
    Meeting 37
    April 21, 2005
    15:36 - 17:22
    The Minutes of meeting 37 for AGRI - April 21, 2005 - Opens a new windowThe Evidence of meeting 37 for AGRI - April 21, 2005 - Opens a new window
    Meeting 36
    April 19, 2005
    15:31 - 17:28
    The Minutes of meeting 36 for AGRI - April 19, 2005 - Opens a new windowThe Evidence of meeting 36 for AGRI - April 19, 2005 - Opens a new window
    Meeting 31
    April 5, 2005
    15:35 - 17:29
    The Minutes of meeting 31 for AGRI - April 5, 2005 - Opens a new windowThe Evidence of meeting 31 for AGRI - April 5, 2005 - Opens a new window
    Meeting 25
    February 22, 2005
    15:35 - 17:25
    The Minutes of meeting 25 for AGRI - February 22, 2005 - Opens a new windowThe Evidence of meeting 25 for AGRI - February 22, 2005 - Opens a new window
    Meeting 19
    February 1st, 2005
    15:32 - 17:25
    The Minutes of meeting 19 for AGRI - February 1st, 2005 - Opens a new windowThe Committee meeting is 'in camera' (closed to the public)
    Meeting 15
    December 7, 2004
    11:08 - 12:18
    The Minutes of meeting 15 for AGRI - December 7, 2004 - Opens a new windowThe Evidence of meeting 15 for AGRI - December 7, 2004 - Opens a new window
    Meeting 2
    October 14, 2004
    09:04 - 10:16
    The Minutes of meeting 2 for AGRI - October 14, 2004 - Opens a new windowThe Committee meeting is 'in camera' (closed to the public)
    Table of Contents

    Corn Imports from the United States

    Upcoming Meetings
    This session has now ended. For information about committees and their work during the session, please use the links to the left of the screen.

    Information about committees and their work in the current session can be found by clicking on 39th Parliament, 1st Session.

    Past Meetings
    Index Of Proceedings
    Meeting InformationMinutesEvidence
    Meeting 61
    October 31, 2005
    15:31 - 17:43
    The Minutes of meeting 61 for AGRI - October 31, 2005 - Opens a new windowThe Evidence of meeting 61 for AGRI - October 31, 2005 - Opens a new window
    Meeting 59
    October 26, 2005
    15:29 - 17:30
    The Minutes of meeting 59 for AGRI - October 26, 2005 - Opens a new windowThe Evidence of meeting 59 for AGRI - October 26, 2005 - Opens a new window
    Meeting 58
    October 24, 2005
    15:30 - 17:20
    The Minutes of meeting 58 for AGRI - October 24, 2005 - Opens a new windowThe Evidence of meeting 58 for AGRI - October 24, 2005 - Opens a new window
    Table of Contents

    Election of Chair

    Upcoming Meetings
    This session has now ended. For information about committees and their work during the session, please use the links to the left of the screen.

    Information about committees and their work in the current session can be found by clicking on 39th Parliament, 1st Session.

    Past Meetings
    Index Of Proceedings
    Meeting InformationMinutesEvidence
    Meeting 56
    October 17, 2005
    15:35 - 17:18
    The Minutes of meeting 56 for AGRI - October 17, 2005 - Opens a new windowThe Evidence of meeting 56 for AGRI - October 17, 2005 - Opens a new window
    Meeting 1
    October 12, 2004
    15:33 - 16:38
    The Minutes of meeting 1 for AGRI - October 12, 2004 - Opens a new windowThe Evidence of meeting 1 for AGRI - October 12, 2004 - Opens a new window
    Table of Contents

    Excise duty relief for Canada's wine sector

    Upcoming Meetings
    This session has now ended. For information about committees and their work during the session, please use the links to the left of the screen.

    Information about committees and their work in the current session can be found by clicking on 39th Parliament, 1st Session.

    Past Meetings
    Index Of Proceedings
    Meeting InformationMinutesEvidence
    Meeting 18
    December 14, 2004
    11:07 - 12:59
    The Minutes of meeting 18 for AGRI - December 14, 2004 - Opens a new windowThe Evidence of meeting 18 for AGRI - December 14, 2004 - Opens a new window
    Table of Contents

    Grain Transportation: The Hopper Car Fleet

    Upcoming Meetings
    This session has now ended. For information about committees and their work during the session, please use the links to the left of the screen.

    Information about committees and their work in the current session can be found by clicking on 39th Parliament, 1st Session.

    Past Meetings
    Index Of Proceedings
    Meeting InformationMinutesEvidence
    Meeting 17
    December 13, 2004
    15:34 - 15:48
    The Minutes of meeting 17 for AGRI - December 13, 2004 - Opens a new windowThe Committee meeting is 'in camera' (closed to the public)
    Meeting 16
    December 9, 2004
    11:13 - 11:37
    The Minutes of meeting 16 for AGRI - December 9, 2004 - Opens a new windowThe Committee meeting is 'in camera' (closed to the public)
    Meeting 14
    December 2, 2004
    11:05 - 13:02
    The Minutes of meeting 14 for AGRI - December 2, 2004 - Opens a new windowThe Evidence of meeting 14 for AGRI - December 2, 2004 - Opens a new window
    Meeting 12
    November 23, 2004
    11:08 - 13:29
    The Minutes of meeting 12 for AGRI - November 23, 2004 - Opens a new windowThe Evidence of meeting 12 for AGRI - November 23, 2004 - Opens a new window
    Meeting 8
    November 16, 2004
    11:06 - 13:03
    The Minutes of meeting 8 for AGRI - November 16, 2004 - Opens a new windowThe Evidence of meeting 8 for AGRI - November 16, 2004 - Opens a new window
    Table of Contents

    Main Estimates 2004-2005: Votes 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, and 40 under Agriculture and Agri-Food

    Upcoming Meetings
    This session has now ended. For information about committees and their work during the session, please use the links to the left of the screen.

    Information about committees and their work in the current session can be found by clicking on 39th Parliament, 1st Session.

    Past Meetings
    Index Of Proceedings
    Meeting InformationMinutesEvidence
    Meeting 10
    November 18, 2004
    12:05 - 14:00
    The Minutes of meeting 10 for AGRI - November 18, 2004 - Opens a new windowThe Evidence of meeting 10 for AGRI - November 18, 2004 - Opens a new window
    Meeting 7
    November 4, 2004
    11:12 - 13:04
    The Minutes of meeting 7 for AGRI - November 4, 2004 - Opens a new windowThe Evidence of meeting 7 for AGRI - November 4, 2004 - Opens a new window
    Meeting 6
    November 2, 2004
    11:09 - 13:02
    The Minutes of meeting 6 for AGRI - November 2, 2004 - Opens a new windowThe Evidence of meeting 6 for AGRI - November 2, 2004 - Opens a new window
    Table of Contents

    Main Estimates 2005-2006, Votes 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40 and Report on Plans and Priorities under AGRICULTURE AND AGRI-FOOD

    Upcoming Meetings
    This session has now ended. For information about committees and their work during the session, please use the links to the left of the screen.

    Information about committees and their work in the current session can be found by clicking on 39th Parliament, 1st Session.

    Past Meetings
    Index Of Proceedings
    Meeting InformationMinutesEvidence
    Meeting 42
    May 17, 2005
    15:29 - 17:31
    The Minutes of meeting 42 for AGRI - May 17, 2005 - Opens a new windowThe Evidence of meeting 42 for AGRI - May 17, 2005 - Opens a new window
    Table of Contents

    Review of the activities of the Pest Management Regulatory Agency during the past six months

    Upcoming Meetings
    This session has now ended. For information about committees and their work during the session, please use the links to the left of the screen.

    Information about committees and their work in the current session can be found by clicking on 39th Parliament, 1st Session.

    Past Meetings
    Index Of Proceedings
    Meeting InformationMinutesEvidence
    Meeting 51
    June 16, 2005
    15:42 - 17:20
    The Minutes of meeting 51 for AGRI - June 16, 2005 - Opens a new windowThe Evidence of meeting 51 for AGRI - June 16, 2005 - Opens a new window
    Meeting 13
    November 25, 2004
    11:06 - 13:11
    The Minutes of meeting 13 for AGRI - November 25, 2004 - Opens a new windowThe Evidence of meeting 13 for AGRI - November 25, 2004 - Opens a new window
    Table of Contents

    Riding Mountain National Park Bovine tuberculosis monitoring and eradication programs

    Upcoming Meetings
    This session has now ended. For information about committees and their work during the session, please use the links to the left of the screen.

    Information about committees and their work in the current session can be found by clicking on 39th Parliament, 1st Session.

    Past Meetings
    Index Of Proceedings
    Meeting InformationMinutesEvidence
    Meeting 57
    October 19, 2005
    15:31 - 17:05
    The Minutes of meeting 57 for AGRI - October 19, 2005 - Opens a new windowThe Committee meeting is 'in camera' (closed to the public)
    Meeting 55
    October 3, 2005
    09:00 - 16:49
    The Minutes of meeting 55 for AGRI - October 3, 2005 - Opens a new windowThe Evidence of meeting 55 for AGRI - October 3, 2005 - Opens a new window
    Table of Contents

    Study of animal health

    Upcoming Meetings
    This session has now ended. For information about committees and their work during the session, please use the links to the left of the screen.

    Information about committees and their work in the current session can be found by clicking on 39th Parliament, 1st Session.

    Past Meetings
    Index Of Proceedings
    Meeting InformationMinutesEvidence
    Meeting 20
    February 3, 2005
    15:29 - 17:16
    The Minutes of meeting 20 for AGRI - February 3, 2005 - Opens a new windowThe Evidence of meeting 20 for AGRI - February 3, 2005 - Opens a new window
    Table of Contents

    Study of the pricing of beef at the slaughter, wholesale and retail levels, in the context of the BSE crisis in Canada

    Upcoming Meetings
    This session has now ended. For information about committees and their work during the session, please use the links to the left of the screen.

    Information about committees and their work in the current session can be found by clicking on 39th Parliament, 1st Session.

    Past Meetings
    Index Of Proceedings
    Meeting InformationMinutesEvidence
    Meeting 65
    November 21, 2005
    15:30 - 18:32
    The Minutes of meeting 65 for AGRI - November 21, 2005 - Opens a new windowThe Evidence of meeting 65 for AGRI - November 21, 2005 - Opens a new window
    Meeting 57
    October 19, 2005
    15:31 - 17:05
    The Minutes of meeting 57 for AGRI - October 19, 2005 - Opens a new windowThe Committee meeting is 'in camera' (closed to the public)
    Meeting 53
    June 22, 2005
    15:38 - 16:16
    The Minutes of meeting 53 for AGRI - June 22, 2005 - Opens a new windowThe Committee meeting is 'in camera' (closed to the public)
    Meeting 19
    February 1st, 2005
    15:32 - 17:25
    The Minutes of meeting 19 for AGRI - February 1st, 2005 - Opens a new windowThe Committee meeting is 'in camera' (closed to the public)
    Meeting 18
    December 14, 2004
    11:07 - 12:59
    The Minutes of meeting 18 for AGRI - December 14, 2004 - Opens a new windowThe Evidence of meeting 18 for AGRI - December 14, 2004 - Opens a new window
    Table of Contents

    Study of the strategy for repositioning the livestock industry

    Upcoming Meetings
    This session has now ended. For information about committees and their work during the session, please use the links to the left of the screen.

    Information about committees and their work in the current session can be found by clicking on 39th Parliament, 1st Session.

    Past Meetings
    Index Of Proceedings
    Meeting InformationMinutesEvidence
    Meeting 29
    March 22, 2005
    15:28 - 17:25
    The Minutes of meeting 29 for AGRI - March 22, 2005 - Opens a new windowThe Evidence of meeting 29 for AGRI - March 22, 2005 - Opens a new window
    Meeting 9
    November 17, 2004
    15:33 - 17:02
    The Minutes of meeting 9 for AGRI - November 17, 2004 - Opens a new windowThe Evidence of meeting 9 for AGRI - November 17, 2004 - Opens a new window
    Meeting 5
    October 28, 2004
    11:11 - 13:12
    The Minutes of meeting 5 for AGRI - October 28, 2004 - Opens a new windowThe Evidence of meeting 5 for AGRI - October 28, 2004 - Opens a new window
    Meeting 4
    October 26, 2004
    11:05 - 13:01
    The Minutes of meeting 4 for AGRI - October 26, 2004 - Opens a new windowThe Evidence of meeting 4 for AGRI - October 26, 2004 - Opens a new window
    Meeting 3
    October 21, 2004
    11:11 - 13:00
    The Minutes of meeting 3 for AGRI - October 21, 2004 - Opens a new windowThe Evidence of meeting 3 for AGRI - October 21, 2004 - Opens a new window
    Table of Contents

    Technical briefing: Measures of farm income

    Upcoming Meetings
    This session has now ended. For information about committees and their work during the session, please use the links to the left of the screen.

    Information about committees and their work in the current session can be found by clicking on 39th Parliament, 1st Session.

    Past Meetings
    Index Of Proceedings
    Meeting InformationMinutesEvidence
    Meeting 22
    February 10, 2005
    15:33 - 17:24
    The Minutes of meeting 22 for AGRI - February 10, 2005 - Opens a new windowThe Evidence of meeting 22 for AGRI - February 10, 2005 - Opens a new window
    Table of Contents

    World Food Supply

    Upcoming Meetings
    This session has now ended. For information about committees and their work during the session, please use the links to the left of the screen.

    Information about committees and their work in the current session can be found by clicking on 39th Parliament, 1st Session.

    Past Meetings
    Index Of Proceedings
    Meeting InformationMinutesEvidence
    Meeting 11
    November 22, 2004
    15:35 - 17:30
    The Minutes of meeting 11 for AGRI - November 22, 2004 - Opens a new windowThe Evidence of meeting 11 for AGRI - November 22, 2004 - Opens a new window
    Table of Contents

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