Wednesday, November 8, 2006 Last Update: 7:43 PM ET
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Robert Gates, former head of the C.I.A., was nominated to replace a Cabinet member who came to symbolize President Bush’s controversial Iraq policy.

Gates Faces Major Challenges at Helm of Pentagon

The Pentagon’s ground forces are stretched and its officers yearn to give unvarnished advice.

In Virginia, Webb Is Confident

With a 7,000 vote lead, the Democratic candidate began planning his transition to the Senate.

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Will U.S. policy in Iraq change after Rumsfeld?

Stephen Crowley/The New York Times

The president praised Donald H. Rumsfeld as a “patriot” who has served his country with “honor and distinction.”

Democrat Wins Senate Race in Montana

Jon Tester's win leaves only Virginia as the deciding factor for Senate control.

The Caucus
11 House Seats Still Undecided

Plenty of the season's most-watched races are still up in the air.

Israeli Shells Kill 18; Hamas Calls for Retaliation

The attack, which killed eight children, ignited a fury that threatened a steep escalation in violence.

Brown Gets $18.5 Million Settlement From Knicks

Larry Brown's chaotic 331-day term as coach of the Knicks netted him $28.5 million.


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