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2006 PSLRB 113
Ewen v. Treasury Board (Correctional Service of Canada)
Before: Barry D. Done
Decision Rendered: October 17, 2006
Original Language: English
Education leave – Education allowance – Related costs – Abuse of discretion – Jurisdiction – Public Service Labour Relations Act – Health Services Group bargaining unit

The grievor applied for education leave in 2003-2004 to complete her Bachelor of Nursing, education allowance and assistance for books and tuition – the employer had adopted a policy not to grant education leave in 2003-2004, and denied the grievor’s application – the grievor nevertheless completed her bachelor’s on her own time – the adjudicator found that the collective agreement did not address what education expenses may be considered for reimbursement, and that he did not have jurisdiction to hear that aspect of the grievance – he further found that, by relying on a blanket policy not to grant education leave in 2003-2004, the employer failed to exercise its discretion, which amounted to arbitrariness and bad faith.

Grievance allowed in part.

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