EDC Exposure Fees

Important information you should know about Exposure Fees.
As a normal course of business, EDC charges exposure fees as part of its compensation for risk undertaken when providing medium- and long-term export credit in support of Canadian export transactions.

EDC’s exposure fees are determined by the Corporation’s own risk based analysis of individual markets and are reflective of EDC’s own country risk classification. As such, EDC reserves the right to charge exposure fee premiums above the minimum rates set by the OECD Arrangement.

The Exposure Fee applicable for a given transaction is determined by, and sensitive to, the exposure period (disbursement and repayment) and EDC’s country classification of the Borrower’s or Guarantor’s country. The Exposure Fee is expressed as a percentage of the EDC financing.

Exposure fees are only one element of the cost to the Borrower associated with EDC financing. See Methods of Payment for more information.

The Exposure Fee Calculator will provide a non-binding estimate of EDC’s exposure fee based on the information selected. The actual fee will only be determined by EDC in the context of approving a transaction having regard to the specific details of the transaction and EDC’s exposure fee policies. The ability to obtain an estimate by using this calculator does not imply in any way EDC’s willingness to approve any transaction for the selected country.